Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Bush Plans "Left in Ruins" by Bhutto's Assassination

Helene Cooper's first instinct when something bad happens in Pakistan: See how badly it reflects on Bush.

Maine, "The Whitest State"

Reporter Abby Goodnough collects scattered anecdotes of racial bias to paint a long, unflattering picture of an entire state.

Top Ten Lowlights of The New York Times in 2007

2007 brought a cornucopia of biased behavior by the nation's paper of record, from sliming innocent Duke lacrosse players to defending illegal immigration to yet another liberal rant from a ...

How "Populist" Tax-Hiker Edwards Will Save Us from "Income Inequality"

Economics reporter David Leonhardt takes a shine to Edwards' "populist" (not liberal?) tax-raising rhetoric at the expense of Republican Mitt Romney.

No Christmas Cheer for Retailers - at Least Not During Bush Years

Ho ho ho? A "bleak holiday shopping season" with retailers "weeping over holiday sales receipts."

The "Reagan-Era" Mike Huckabee?

Reporter Paul Vitello among the believers: "Whatever unease politicians may stir when they invoke Christmas among non-Christians does not seem to apply here. The hegemony of Christianity is as ...

Mitt Romney's Hard Right Move?

"The question at this point is whether Mr. Romney jerked the wheel too hard to the right..."

Times Corrects Headline After Formal White House Complaint

The White House objected to the subhead "White House Role Was Wider Than It Said," since it has yet to make a comment on the matter.

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2007 - The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year

Last year, there was a clear favorite (Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s liberal rant at a college commencement address), but this year brings a split decision, with our three Times-dissecting ...

U.S. Troops to Blame for Persecution of Gays in Iraq?

Reporter Cara Buckley: "One night shortly after Saddam Hussein fell, American soldiers burst into the apartment that Mohammed shared with his two brothers. They were looking for insurgents, but ...

Once Again: GOP Lacking Usual "Zeal" for Their 2008 Candidates

Adam Nagourney files yet another story on GOP dissatisfaction with its slate of candidates.

Frank Rich: "White Supremacists" Love Huckabee's Immigration Stand

"But it just may be possible that the single biggest boost to the Obama campaign is not white liberal self-congratulation or the Clinton camp's self-immolation, but the collective nastiness of the ...

Communism's "Utopian Vision"?

Deborah Solomon takes on Hollywood director Francis Ford Coppola from the left: "No, Communism was rooted in a utopian vision..." as opposed to Italian fascism.

Proud Atheist Compares Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Adulterers to GOP on Gays

Eduardo Porter: "Belief in God too often spawns reasons to punish sinners - 'adulterers' in Saudi Arabia, gays for some Republican presidential candidates."

Bush's Recent Successes Over Dems Makes Stolberg Fretful

As Bush and the Republicans effectively counterattack against the Democratic majority in Congress, the Times' White House reporter offers some helpful advice - negotiate with the Democrats!

No Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil = Black Mark for CIA?

Pretzel logic: Since there's been no terrorist attacks on American soil since 9-11, the CIA was wrong in its harsh interrogation of Al Qaeda prisoners?

The Times Squeezes Juice out of Hillary Campaign's Panicky Attack on Obama

A top Hillary adviser not so slyly brought up Democratic rival Barack Obama's past drug use in an interview with the Washington Post, but the Times buried in on page 35.

The Goracle Speaks, and the World Finally Listens

Sarah Lyall: "He has said it again and again, with increasing urgency, to anyone who will listen. And on Monday, former Vice President Al Gore used the occasion of his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize ...

Abysmal Approval Ratings of Democratic Congress: GOP's Fault?

The Democrat-controlled Congress has an extraordinarily low approval rating - but a Times reporter sees risks for the GOP.

Huckabee Turning "Hard-Line" on Immigration to Appease GOP Base

Michael Cooper discovers a "hard-line" Huckabee on illegal immigration.