Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

"Remarkable" New Left-Wing Database Shows Bush Lied Us Into War

"But the new computer tool is remarkable for its scope, and its replay of the crescendo of statements that led to the war. Muckrakers may find browsing the site reminiscent of what Richard M. ...

Times Totally Ignores Annual March for Life Wednesday

By contrast, the Washington Post makes room for a solid story on Page 3.

Slate Takes on NYT from the Left in Defending Liberal Linda Greenhouse

Plus: Slate calls Times Watch a "right-wing kitty cat."

Times Praises Pro-Military Blogger Michael Yon

Richard Perez-Pena writes: "Along the way, he created a niche outlet that is better reported than most blogs, and more opinionated than most news reporting, with enough first-hand observation, ...

Former Times Reporter on "Evil" Coal Companies

Timothy Egan reviews a book about strip-mining in West Virginia and the horrors of coal: "...check out those black nuggets - coal, a fossilized time bomb hauled out of the deepest holes in the ...

Mocking Mitt, But Letting Sleeping Bill Lie

"Mitt Romney, whose 1950s manner and celebratory drink of choice call to mind a milkshake man more than a rap singer, gave a shout out Monday that left no doubt that he had spent little time ...

Slighting Romney's Win in Nevada While Pushing Hillary-Obama-McCain?

Did Mitt Romney's win in the Nevada Caucus get the attention it warranted?

Meet Hillary Clinton, Another Democratic "Populist"

Bill and Hillary join John Edwards in David Leonhardt's line of Democratic "populists" (not liberals).

Public Editor Rides to Liberal Linda Greenhouse's Defense, Ignores Smear of Vets

Clark Hoyt rides to the liberal Supreme Court reporter's defense: "Whelan is president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center. But his increasingly intemperate and personal attacks on ...

TV Critic Alessandra Plays Economic Cassandra

Times TV critic Alessandra Stanley makes another ill-advised foray into sociology: "The gloom [of the show] is understandable, of course. The economy and the political landscape today are weighed ...

Still Sobbing Over Crackdowns on Illegals

Boo hoo: "She is a homeowner, a taxpayer, a friendly neighbor and an American citizen. Yet because she is married to an illegal immigrant, these days she feels like a fugitive."

Anger Continues Over the Times' Sleazy Story on Killer Veterans

Outrage over a sleazy Times story on U.S. veterans who come home and kill.

GOP "Adrift" vs. "Energized" Dems

Adam Nagourney sees no hope for the GOP: "...this is a party that is adrift, deeply divided and uninspired when it comes to its presidential candidates and unsure of how to counter an energized ...

Others Pounce on the Times' Useless Smear of Vets as Criminals

Lack of context makes a story on murders committed by returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan both invidious and journalistically worthless.

Linda Greenhouse's Latest Conflict

The Supreme Court reporter's husband is participating in cases that she's covering (from the liberal side), but she is covering the cases without making any disclosure to her readers.

Sudden New Respect for Property Rights - When It Comes to Protecting Illegals

"Many outraged South Texans" are "fearful of being cut off from parts of their own land or access to the Rio Grande for livestock and crops."

Public Editor Lashes Back at Left-Wing Loons Attacking Bill Kristol

But Clark Hoyt still thinks it was a "mistake" to hire Kristol, because the conservative writer suggested last year the Times could be prosecuted for publishing national security secrets.

Back to the 80s? A Bad Reaganite Rerun, Says Style Reporter

There they go again: "The leading action symbols of the Reagan era - with all their excess, jingoism and good vs. evil bombast...."

Is the Times Rooting for a Recession?

Assuming the worst, from Monday's front page: "The abrupt pullback raises the possibility that the country may be experiencing a rare decline in personal consumption, not just a slower rate of ...

Times Slimes U.S. Veterans with Dubious Crime Stats

The Times relies on dubious statistics about U.S. soldiers returning home and committing crimes to link the Vietnam War with Iraq.