Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

GOP Toned Down "Fierce...Heated Rhetoric" on Immigration for Hispanic Debate

A front-page story on the GOP's "Hispanic debate" did its best to portray the GOP as angry foes of illegal immigrants.

More Iraq War Bias in a story from...Kosovo?

Nicholas Kulish wonders if a potential NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo will be hurt by "a distracted and overstretched American military...."

The Times Continues to Fret Over Recession Fears

Gloomy Peter Goodman: "The nation gained a modest 94,000 jobs in November...pulling back considerably from the previous month in the clearest sign yet that the American economy was headed for a ...

Executive Editor Says Iraq "Going Very Badly"

More from Editor Bill Keller's Liberal Lecture, Plus: How Dare Bush Not Negotiate with Terrorist Leader Arafat

Times Watch's Keller Piece Cited on "The O'Reilly Factor"

Bill O'Reilly didn't hold back his opinion of Times Executive Editor Bill Keller.

Bush's Housing Bailout Doesn't Go Far Enough

In its front-page story on the subprime housing "crisis," the Times ignores conservative concerns and embraces the issue as a political game - one the liberal Democrats are sure to win.

Times Not Totally Frank About Al Franken's Senate Run

A front-page story on Al Franken's run for Senate skipped the controversies over Air America and Franken's "joke" about executing Karl Rove, Lewis Libby and President Bush.

Indictment of a Top Hillary Fundraiser - Hsu Cares?

Relegating the indictment of a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser to a brief story, without a byline and with a boring headline.

Editor Bill Keller, Unleashed in London: "A War Going Very Badly in Iraq"

Times Executive Editor Bill Keller proudly states of his paper: "We do not work in the service of a party, or an industry, or even a country" and went after "hate-mongering radio broadcasts."

The New Republic Folds on Baghdad Diarist, but Times Hypes NRO Errors

Patricia Cohen lumps in an apparent fabulist at TNR with unconfirmed reporting at NRO: "Tough days for The New Republic and a rival, National Review."

"Ailing Economy"? What Ailing Economy?

Peter Goodman got front-page play for his report on an "ailing economy" "imperiled by the crumbling housing market." But 3rd quarter GDP was 4.9%, highest in four years.

From Mexico: Conservative Wins, Leftists Whine, Times Fawns

"Last year's race was a virtual tie, but electoral officials determined that the conservative candidate, Felipe Calderón, had edged out a left-wing populist, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, by ...

Junk Food Ban "Faces Hurdles" - But Freedom Isn't One of Them

The Times' Kim Severson brings the nanny-state approach to the school snack bar, celebrating the fight against "the mountain of high-calorie snacks and sodas available to schoolchildren."

Still Gunning for "Just Plain Wrong" Rudy

The Times gets blunt with Giuliani: "All of these statements are incomplete, exaggerated or just plain wrong." Has Hillary or any other Democrat ever been "just plain wrong"?

Hunger Doesn't Take a Holiday - Times Finds "Critical Shortages" Yet Again

Another holiday season, another "critical shortage" of food at food banks - just like the liberal media has claimed for the last two decades.

Another Illegal Immigrant Sob Story

Those lying Feds? "But, to the dismay of many of Greenport's 2,500 residents, the raid here did not match [Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer Julie Myers'] words."

Patrick Healy: Elderly Women Love Hillary

One concern: Will they get over their old-fashioned ideas and vote for a woman president?

More Middle East Moral Equivalency from the NYT

The Times reverts to old habits as another round of peace talks get under way, blaming Israel for recalcitrance and glossing over Palestinian terrorism.

Busted: Krugman vs. Krugman on Social Security

Is Social Security in trouble or not? For alleged economist Paul Krugman, it depends on whether a Democrat or Republican is saying it. A liberal columnist for the Washington Post zaps him with his ...

Titanic Bias? Times Implies U.S. Economy Is Sinking Into Recession

As the 2008 election approaches, the Times uses the image of a sinking red "RECE$$ION" to communicate a fear that is so far only a phantom menace.