Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

It's Official: NYT-McCain Honeymoon Over; Paper Raises Age Questions

Now it's McCain's age that's suddenly a concern for the Times: "The quest to win the presidency at an age when he would be too old to be a commercial airline pilot or even a judge in some states..."

Public Editor Says Times Shouldn't Have Run McCain Affair Allegations

Clark Hoyt: "A newspaper cannot begin a story about the all-but-certain Republican presidential nominee with the suggestion of an extramarital affair with an attractive lobbyist 31 years his ...

Who's in the Times' Corner on Its McCain Hit Piece? So Far, No One

Even the network news and left-wing blogosphere say the story doesn't deliver the goods, while the McCain campaign is raising money off it.

The Gory Details Behind the NYT's Failed Smear of McCain

The liberal New Republic on the McCain smear: "In the absence of concrete, printable proof that McCain and Iseman were an item, the piece delicately steps around purported romance and instead ...

Big McCain Bombshell Fizzles Out

Conservatives and liberals alike don't think the Times came up with the goods in its long-awaited assault on John McCain - an awkward mix of innuendo and old news.

"Evolving" Cuban-Americans No Longer Unleash "Anti-Castro Invective"

The Times wonders: Is the more reserved Cuban-American community in Miami no longer angry at "President" Castro?

Clintonites and NYT Reporters, Together Again

The Times touts a loaded survey showing military officers are concerned about the state of the military - but ignores the Clintonites and Times reporters on the staff of one of the organizations.

Focusing on Cindy McCain's "Dig" at Michelle Obama, Not Obama's Lack of U.S. Pride

The Times barely focused on Michelle Obama's statement showing a lack of pride in her country: "...for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."

Indulging Eco-Freaks

"For people who feel an acute unease about the future of the planet, a small but growing number of psychotherapists now offer a treatment designed to reduce worries as well as carbon footprints: ...

Still No "Liberals" Among the Big-Business Assaulting Democrats

More "populism," not liberalism, in the Democratic race for president, even as Hillary lashes into the "two oilmen in the White House" and attacks drug companies.

"Charismatic" Castro Won "Universal Health Care" and "Free Education"

"His record has been a mix of great social achievements, but a dismal economic performance that has mired most Cubans in poverty. He succeeded in establishing universal health care, providing free ...

The Public Editor Criticizes Fishy Front-Page Story on Mercury and Sushi

Clark Hoyt on an alarmist front-page report on mercury in sushi: "I thought the package was less balanced than it should have been, given the state of existing research."

Reporter David Cay Johnston vs. His Book Review Critic

DCJ: "Chait twists words I use to describe the shared values of those Democrats and Republicans who favor people over corporations to make them appear as my views, not a description of theirs." ...

The Times' Travel Section Cruises With Far-Left Nation Magazine

Henry Alford gushed that "the diversity and intellectual accomplishments of the 460 were fairly staggering." Plus: disagraced anti-Bush CBS news producer Mary Mapes cracks jokes while killjoy ...

Can We Get a "Liberal" Label?

Hillary Clinton's "populist turn" - taking on insurers and going after drug companies.

NYT Interviews Rush Limbaugh, Triggering Avalanche of Reader Hate

Reporter Jacques Steinberg on El Rushbo: "As he opened his radio program Wednesday, Mr. Limbaugh lobbed yet another grenade."

Troops Committing Domestic Violence? Another Useless Anti-Military Report

The Pentagon as social services agency? "The fatalities examined by The New York Times show a military system that tries and sometimes fails to balance the demands of fighting a war with those of ...

NYT Editor to Staff: Happy Valentine's Day! Job Cuts Coming to Newsroom

Financial difficulties, a long presidential campaign, and Rupert Murdoch's beefed-up Wall Street Journal are all putting a strain on the Times' finances.

"Critics" (NYT Reporters) Say Bush Has "Squandered the Country's Moral Authority"

Plus: GOP "Spreading Hatred on Immigration" and the Return of "The Age of Greed"

"Critics" (and NYT Reporters?) Say Bush Has "Squandered the Country's Moral Authority"

"Mr. Bush never sounds surer of himself than when the subject is Sept. 11, even when his critics argue that he has squandered the country's moral authority, violated American and international ...