Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Obama's "Nuanced" Race Speech Marks Return of Lincoln, JFK

The Times glorifies Obama and skips his apparent contradiction - he'd previously denied hearing controversial statements by Rev. Wright.

Editorial: Everything's All Right on Obama-Wright

Hagiography over Obama on the editorial page: "What is evident, though, is that he not only cleared the air over a particular controversy - he raised the discussion to a higher plane."

NYT Glosses Over Wright's Rants on 9-11, "God Damn America"

The Times has often omitted Obama minister Jeremiah Wright's actual hateful comments about America and 9-11

With Ignorant Gun-Control Editorial, Times Plugs Itself in the Foot

The Times' ignorance and naivete shows in a pro-gun control editorial: If the D.C. gun law is so great, why does the city have one of the nation's highest crime rates? And if gun regulations are ...

John Burns Reflects on Iraq Five Years Later

John Burns: "My own experience, invariably, was that Iraqis I met who felt secure enough to speak with candor had an overwhelming desire to see American troops remain long enough to restore ...

Howell Raines on Rupert Murdoch's "Very Dangerous Trends"

Former Executive Editor Howell Raines: "As Murdoch becomes more and more successful with stocks, in politicizing the kind of journalism that is considered normal in this country, I think both of ...

"Television Bullies" on Fox News Give Irish a Bad Name

Plus: Castro Not a Dictator, But Batista Was?

"Television Bullies" on Fox News Giving Irish a Bad Name

Former reporter Timothy Egan blogs at "Today, there are television bullies with Irish surnames on Fox, backing more tax cuts for hedge fund managers, and doing everything they can to ...

For Once We Agree

Paul Krugman: "I'm sorry to say that a large part of the progressive movement seems to have lost its sanity."

Spitzer Targeted by Bush's Justice Department? Times Throws It Out There

The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Lives! "The federal officials sought to emphasize that Mr. Spitzer, a Democrat, had not been singled out by the Republican administration, although allegations of ...

Kudos: The Times Takes on NYC's "Fascination with Che T-Shirts"

A profile of Carmen Palaez, an anti-Castro playright: "The play was her retort to the fascination with Che T-shirts, solidarity tours to Cuba and the endless praise of the revolution's twin ...

"Concern About the Influence of Christian Conservatives in the Military..."

The Times' religion reporter Neela Banerjee finds controversy in the Naval Academy Chapel.

Hypocritical Book Critic Bashes "Anti-Intellectual" Bushies

Michiko Kakutani on U.S. anti-intellectualism: "For more than a decade there have been growing symptoms of this affliction, from fundamentalist assaults on the teaching of evolution to the Bush ...

Times Eases Up on Disgraced NY Gov. Spitzer

The Times identified Spitzer as a Democrat in its initial story on his involvement in a prostitution ring, but deleted the reference later.

Renegade Shareholders Want Aggressive Internet Push by NYT Co.

An influential minority of shareholders are pushing for a sell-off of unwieldy assets and an aggressive push to buy Internet companies.

Times Still Clueless About Crime Cause and Effect

There they go again: "...but incarceration rates have continued to rise while crime rates have fallen." Hey, maybe the reason crime rates have fallen is that more criminals are in jail!

Veto-Proof Majority in Sight for Senate Dems, Says NYT

Yuk yuk yuk: "If voters start to take the comedian Al Franken seriously, the joke could be on Mr. Coleman in this potential swing state."

No Respect for the Dead

The Times finds it necessary to bring up a scientist and global warming skeptic's ties to the tobacco industry in an obituary.

Cuban "Dictator" Batista vs. Castro's "Revolutionary Government"

Fidel Castro wasn't a Communist dictator?

Puffing Up CNN at Fox News' Expense

But CNN's "surge" may be less than meets the eye.