Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Ignoring Al Sharpton's Threat to "Close Down" NYC

The Times left out the actual news from inflammatory Al's latest protest based on the acquittal of three police detectives in the shooting death of Sean Bell.

Times Invites John "Two Americas" Edwards to Take a Bow in Life Expectancy Story

In an overdramatic story on falling life expectancies among some women, the Times suggested the findings validated left-wing presidential candidate John Edwards: "The new research adds weight to ...

Painting New Dovish Israel Lobby as "Pro-Israel" and Moderate

Reporter Neil Lewis advertised the formation of an alleged "pro-Israel lobby" but left off the part about its stated opposition to what it calls "the far right."

John McCain "Awkward" in N.O. About His "More Privileged Past"

Elisabeth Bumiller characterized McCain's tour of the Ninth Ward of New Orleans in starkly cynical terms: "Mr. McCain, who was on the fourth day of a tour of America's 'forgotten places' to try to ...

More Melodrama on the Bad Economy, This Time Over Heating Bills

Woe in the Northeast thanks to the bad economy, says Erik Eckholm: "...natural gas and electricity prices have also climbed at a time when low-end incomes are stagnant and prices have also jumped ...

NYT's Movie Critic: Bush Years "One Long, Dumb, Dirty Joke"

Chief movie critic A.O. Scott: "If you think the last seven years have been one long, dumb, dirty joke - or maybe if, sometimes, you just wish you could believe as much - then 'Harold & Kumar ...

Mayor Bloomberg to Buy the NYT? Publisher Sulzberger Says No

The NYT Co. also headed off a possible proxy fight at its annual shareholders meeting by installing two representatives of its critics onto its board of directors.

Are Hillary Voters Racist?

Adam Nagourney: "The composition of Mrs. Clinton's support - or, looked at another way, the makeup of voters who have proved reluctant to embrace Mr. Obama - has Democrats wondering, if not ...

Times Frets Over "Racially Divisive" Anti-Obama Ad in NC

Twice in two days the paper has worried that a new GOP ad invoking Jeremiah Wright's hateful words may be racially divisive. Speaking of divisive, the Times has yet to quote Wright's "God damn ...

Rupert Murdoch Still Frightening the Times

Scary stuff indeed: "Rupert Murdoch is moving to tighten his already-imposing grip on American news media..."

Liptak Laments U.S. Incarceration Rate, Blames Lack of "Safety Net"

Adam Liptak: "Criminologists and legal experts here and abroad point to a tangle of factors to explain America's extraordinary incarceration rate: higher levels of violent crime, harsher ...

Times All But Takes Back Hillary Endorsement

A plea to party bigwigs to push Hillary, a big winner in three big states, out of the race: "It is getting to be time for the superdelegates to do what the Democrats had in mind when they created ...

Another Anti-McCain Bombshell Fizzles Out

Is This All They've Got?, Part II: NYT investigates McCain's ties to developer, finds nothing, runs it on the front page anyway.

Missing the Economic Glory Year of...1979?

Middle-class wages are going extinct, and the paper's gloomy economics reporter Louis Uchitelle is on the case.

Lizette Alvarez Still Supporting the Troops

The military's full of felons, says the same reporter who smeared soldiers as criminals in a front-page report in January.

Joe Lieberman's "Lurch to the Right"?

A strangely hostile John Broder claims Lieberman "could become the first person to lose the vice presidency on both major party tickets."

Sudden Respect for the Pope's Political Views - on Illegal Immigration

While papal opposition to abortion is dismissed as "doctrinal hardness," the Church's support of illegal immigration is treated as profound.

Wow: Ben Stein's Evolution Documentary "Unprincipled Propaganda Piece"

Jeannette Catsoulis: "One of the sleaziest documentaries to arrive in a very long time, 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed' is a conspiracy-theory rant masquerading as investigative inquiry."

It's All Milton Friedman's Fault

Plus Death by Blogging and Ben Stein's "Sleazy" New Documentary on Evolution

Liberal Justice John Paul Stevens' "Remarkable Journey" to Oppose Death Penalty

Retiring Supreme Court reporter bids a fond farewell of sorts to liberal Justice John Paul Stevens for renouncing the death penalty as unconstitutional - ignoring the clear meaning of the Fifth ...