Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Times' Favorite Clinches Democratic Nomination

The paper's long history of favoritism towards Obama culminates in his Tuesday clinching of the nomination.

Cheney Makes Them Laugh

A copy editor puts the Vice President in his place: "Making a roomful of reporters laugh. On purpose."

Nossiter Sniffs at Conservative La. Gov. Jindal, Friend of "Fiscal Stringency"

Scary conservatives afoot in Louisiana, warns reporter Adam Nossiter: "Religion and fiscal stringency have a friendly home at the state Capitol here, with a conservative, Bobby Jindal, in the ...

America Tragedy: U.S. "Holding Another Nation of Immigrants in Bondage"

What? "A nation of immigrants is holding another nation of immigrants in bondage, exploiting its labor while ignoring its suffering, condemning its lawlessness while sealing off a path to living ...

McCain Gaffe Machine Running Smoothly: Obama's Is Never Switched On

Not a word in the Times about Obama's "58 states" or confusing movies with reality at Mt. Rushmore.

Times Buys Liberal Conspiracy Theory on Karl Rove's Alabama Slam of Dem. Gov.

"...Karl Rove was asked if he had a role in the Justice Department's decision to prosecute Don Siegelman. The former Democratic governor of Alabama was convicted and sentenced to more than seven ...

Rudy the Racist? The Times' Slanted Take on Rudy's Mayoralty

Apparently, racist police brutality began and ended in New York City with Mayor Rudy Giuliani. And when did hatemonger Al Sharpton earn the right to comment on anyone else's failures to attain ...

U.S. Deaths in Iraq at All-Time Low, but NYT Looks on Dark Side

The Times reminds us things could get worse again: "There have been troughs in American casualty rates before, only to be followed by increases. Just on Sunday, an American soldier was killed by a ...

Obama Breaks with Radical Church - After Conservatives Question Patriotism?

What more can the poor man do? "Now that Mr. Obama has addressed his ties to the church and pastor in a long speech and fully broken with both, it is not clear what else he can say or do to ...

The "Legendarily Dense" Katherine Harris

Plus McCain's Break from the "Troglodyte Wing" of the GOP

NYT: Part of Media's "Coordinated" Attack on Bush's Anti-McClellan Front?

Scott McClellan's book attacking the Bush White House is being criticized by current and former White House staffers, uniting the media in accusations of White House coordination.

Pushing Immigration "Reform" With More Odd Concern for Agri-Business

Immigration concerns lead to dead trees: "Scores of Jim Bittner's cherry trees are now just heaps of roots and sticks, piled in his fields here along Route 18. Some of the branches lying on the ...

Reporter John Schwartz Lets His Liberal Flag Fly Defending Obama

John Schwartz: "Maybe the problem is that the debates, for all the interest, aren't telling us much. Here's a modest proposal: change the format to game shows. 'But that would cheapen political ...

TV Critic Thinks Nazism Just "Extreme Capitalism"

Huh? "As 'Lost' bloggers have noted, the publicist, Karen Decker, shares her surname with a Nazi propagandist, Will Decker. It is one of the show's many pleasures that it revels in such ...

Stark Contrast on Supreme Court: McCain's Conservative "Fealty" vs. Smart Obama's Non-Ideological Picks

In Neil Lewis's world, John McCain will be forced to pay "fealty" to the "conservative faithful" by appointing staunch conservative justices, while Barack Obama, with his "long and deep interest ...

John McCain, Candidate of Privilege?

"John S. McCain III, United States Naval Academy '58, the son and grandson of admirals and the husband of one of the richer women in Arizona, chases after the conservative, anti-elite religious ...

Cover-to-Cover Liberal Bias in the Sunday Book Review

From liberal Times reporters approving of liberal books to liberal professors praising books from liberal Times reporters, the Sunday Book Review came loaded with bias from every angle.

Alessandra Stanley: "Legendarily Dense" GOP Official Katherine Harris

"Laura Dern is mesmerizing as Ms. Harris, the legendarily dense public official who also helped organize George W. Bush's Florida election campaign."

Keller Blames Readers "Preoccupied" With Gas Prices, Not Iraq - But So Is the NYT

Executive Editor Bill Keller blames readers for Iraq fatigue: "There is a cold and sad calculation that readers/viewers aren't that interested in the war, whether because they are preoccupied with ...

On Memorial Day Times Accuses Bush of "Having Squandered Soldiers' Lives" in Iraq

The White House responded: "Once again, the New York Times Editorial Board doesn't let the facts get in the way of expressing its vitriolic opinions - no matter how misleading they may be."