Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

"Conservative" Supreme Court Spooked by Public Backlash?

"Perhaps the conservative justices were taken aback by the public response to the Lilly Ledbetter case, a 5-to-4 decision in an employment discrimination case last term that placed a tight time ...

'Centrist" Fla Gov. Charlie Crist Now "Chain-Gang Charlie"

Adam Nagourney felt obliged to make moderate Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, a possible McCain Veep pick, into a hard-line, law-and-order conservative.

Defending Ted Kennedy's Big Spending: "Well, That Is What the Government Is For"

Carl Hulse's tribute to Ted Kennedy: "And few are willing to take the risks that Mr. Kennedy has in attacking the big topics of the day, hammering away at the injustices he sees, leaving him ...

Times Whines McCain Won't Let It In to Campaign Event

By "tightly controlled group of reporters," the Times means "not us." And did the Times threaten the McCain campaign with negative coverage if it wasn't allowed in to see McCain's medical records?

Florida Jews' Opposition to Obama a Result of Ignorance, Racism

A Times reporter names individuals who she accuses of making false statements about Obama's heritage and lack of support for Israel.

Drop Out Hillary, You're Winning Too Many Votes

Patrick Healy on the latest argument for Hillary to clear the path for St. Obama: "One longtime friend and adviser, Roger Altman, an official in the Clinton Treasury Department, recently urged ...

The Times' Hypocritcal Defense of Political Free Speech

The Times sees a threat to free speech in the Supreme Court's ruling in a child porn case - but last year it excoriated the Supreme Court for expanding political speech.

More Tornadoes Than Usual in the South Because of...Well, You Know

It took the Times a while, but an increase in U.S. tornadoes was eventually blamed on you-know-what: "But several groups of researchers have begun to ask if the country is seeing more severe ...

As Isolated POW, McCain Didn't Learn Correct Liberal Lessons from Vietnam

Matt Bai in a Sunday Magazine cover profile of McCain and his experience as a POW in Vietnam: "Whatever anger McCain felt remained focused on his captors, not on his own superiors back in Washington."

Hillary Clinton, "Avenging Angel" for Wronged Women

"In the days after Mrs. Clinton was criticized for misting up on the campaign trail, she won the New Hampshire primary and drew a wave of donations, many from women expressing indignation about ...

Robert Byrd in the Klan Only as a "Young Man"?

But the ancient Democratic senator from West Virginia was praising the KKK as late as 1946 - when he was 28 years old.

Times Apologizes for Calling Democratic Group a Democratic Group

The Times remains sensitive to liberal complaints of unfair labeling, yet tosses around the term "conservative" with abandon.

McCain's Break with "Troglodyte Wing" of GOP & "Know-Nothings Like Rush Limbaugh"

All that and racism too: "Meanwhile, McCain's party tried to hold onto a Republican Congressional seat in Mississippi this week by using racial scare-mongering from the Jim Crow era."

Fat America Throws Out Enough Food to Feed Poor Countries?

A loaded headline and illustration assumes the worst about the U.S. - but a story on wasted food in America eventually shows that some countries throw out just as much.

Fretting Over Bush's Criticism of "Appeasement" in Israel Speech

"The comments created an angry tussle back home, as Democrats accused Mr. Bush of breaching protocol by playing partisan politics overseas." As if Jimmy Carter and Al Gore have been models of ...

Nossiter Again Accuses Southern GOP of Racist Appeals

Adam Nossiter: "Hoping to hang on to a Congressional seat in a tight special election here on Tuesday, Republicans in this mostly white and very conservative district are trying to make the vote ...

Guantanamo Bay Inmate Released, Becomes Terrorist: Still U.S. Fault?

Alissa Rubin on a man released from Guantanamo who became a suicide bomber: "As many as 36 former Guantánamo detainees have taken part in violent acts against Western targets after their release, ...

House Democrats Aim to "Rescue" Over Half a Million Homeowners

Those wonderful Democrats, battling both Bush and the foreclosure crisis: "Hoping to throw a rescue line to at least half a million families in danger of losing their homes..."

The "Credible" "Innocents" of Guantanamo Bay? Former Inmate Becomes Suicide Bomber

While Nicholas Kristof fretted over the abuse of innocent prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, a colleague revealed that a released inmate was a bomber tied to suicide attacks in Mosul.

Still Calling it the Haditha "Massacre"

Manohla Dargis reviews a British filmmaker's dramatization of the "massacre" by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha.