Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

NYT Piles On in Debate Backlash Against ABC

The Times forwards liberal whining about ABC's Democratic debate: "If there was a common theme, it was that Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanopoulos had front-loaded the debate with questions that many ...

NYT Reporter: US "Has Flouted the Basic Principles of Justice" in War on Terror

Raymond Bonner in the left-wing New York Review of Books: "There are still hundreds of prisoners held without charge at Guantánamo, and it will in all likelihood be left to the new administration ...

Pope's Baptism of Former Muslim a "Slap in the Face" to Islam

The Times' sour coverage of the Pope's visit to America continues.

Keller Suggests "Some Resemblance" Between Israel and South African Apartheid

Executive Editor Bill Keller: " is not wrong to see some resemblance to South Africa in the way Israelis drew up Palestinian homelands that serve Israeli interests while leaving the ...

Bush Doesn't Get Bouquet for Global Warming Initiative

Sheryl Gay Stolberg: "But critics - including environmentalists, scientists and lawmakers - said the effort was too little, too late. They accused Mr. Bush of trying to derail legislation that ...

Maureen Dowd Massacres Obama's "Elitism"

Maureen Dowd: "Behind closed doors in San Francisco, elitism's epicenter, Barack Obama showed his elitism, attributing the emotional, spiritual and cultural values of working-class, 'lunch pail' ...

Reporter Says European Health Care Far Superior to "High-Cost" U.S. "Failure"

"If your latest battle with your H.M.O. has you pounding your head with frustration, 'Sick Around the World' on PBS may spur you to more drastic action, like leaving the United States altogether."

NYT Smothers McCain's Conservative Tax-Cut Plan with Dem Assaults

Michael Cooper, always on the bright side: "With the address, Mr. McCain labored to overcome the impression that he does not understand the economy well, and the idea being pushed by his ...

Times Greets Bush-Supporting Berlusconi's Comeback in Italy with Raspberry

Oh no, not him again: "Silvio Berlusconi, the idiosyncratic billionaire who already dominates much of Italy's public life, snatched back political power in elections that ended Monday...the least ...

"Hard-Liner" Pope Coming to America

"His reputation over many years is as a man of doctrinal hardness, who condemns homosexuality and abortion, who regards Catholicism as the only true faith - positions at times difficult to digest ...

Times Cuts John McCain Coming and Going on Mortgage Stand

McCain changes his tune on mortgages, and the Times takes another bite out of him, again quoting Hillary Clinton comparing him to Hoover and suggesting he sounds uncomfortable talking about the ...

"Overwhelming Margin" of U.S. Public Thinks War Cost Hurting Economy

Reporter John Broder: "With long-term estimates of the cost of the Iraq war ranging from $1 trillion to $3 trillion or more, the question naturally arises of what else the country could have done ...

Times Watch in NY Post, Tackling "Bush's Law" by Reporter Eric Lichtblau

From Clay Waters' review of "Bush's Law": "Lichtblau is preoccupied with getting scooped. Check his response when it looked as if the Times wouldn't run the NSA story: 'Each tidbit that came ...

Unemployment, Mortgage Woes? It's All Milton Friedman's Fault

Economics reporter Peter Goodman: "Joblessness is growing. Millions of homes are sliding into foreclosure. The financial system continues to choke on the toxic leftovers of the mortgage crisis. ...

Architecture Critic Spies "Jingoism" in New Museum's 9-11 Exhibit

Who would have thought a museum about journalism could be slammed as bordering on "jingoism"? Nicolai Ouroussoff does it: "The suggestion is that the values of a free press and a free market are ...

Times Harps on McCain's "Embarrassing Mistake" on Al Qaeda

The paper won't let go of McCain's brief slip during Tuesday's questioning of Gen. David Petraeus when he described Al Qaeda as Shiite, and immediately corrected himself.

"Have-Lots" vs. "Have-Nots" in Connecticut

No left-wing slant here: "...the income gap between the have-lots and the have-nots is widening faster in Connecticut than in any other state."

Times Focuses on Sen. Jay Rockefeller's Apology, Not His Offensive Comments

Democratic Senator and Obama endorser on John McCain, heartless killer: "McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What ...

McCain's Sunnis vs. Obama's Iraqis: Double Standards on Testimony Gaffes?

The Times again finds McCain's Shia-Sunni gaffes fascinating - but what about Obama's confusing of Iran with Iraq?

And the Children Shall Lead Them...

Kids pester their Republican parents into voting for Obama, and the Times finds it simply adorable.