Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

U.S. Reaction After 9-11 Betrayed "Spirit of Openness"

Silly politics on the cover of the Times Book Review: "...lifelong citizens under suspicion for having foreign-sounding names...."

Reporter Laments "Record Numbers Incarcerated," Ignores Drop in Crime Rate

Times reporter (and former Jimmy Carter appointee) looks back with regret at the "get tough" laws that doomed hundreds of thousands to recidivism.

"Texans Beat Big Coal, And a Film Shows How"

Cheerleading for Robert Redford and his alliance of environmentalists against Big Coal - in the news section.

Survivalism: Now, It's Hip!

"Survivalism, it seems, is not just for survivalists anymore. Faced with a confluence of diverse threats - a tanking economy, a housing crisis, looming environmental disasters, and a sharp spike ...

Media Research Center Launches EyeBlast

From Times Watch's parent organization: "The Media Research Center has launched a groundbreaking, interactive news and entertainment platform designed to transform the world of online ...

Bloggers: Fat, Stressed Sweat-Shop Boys

From Sunday's front page: "They work long hours, often to exhaustion. Many are paid by the piece - not garments, but blog posts. This is the digital-era sweatshop....some are starting to wonder if ...

Some Muckraker: Reporter Defends Corruption Among 'Bama Democrats

Adam Nossiter: "The tradition of Alabama legislators, mostly Democrats, having jobs at the two-year colleges is well-entrenched; the question prosecutors appear to be pursuing is whether they do ...

Times Again Almost Ignores Medal of Honor Recipient

The Times used an AP brief to cover the awarding of the Medal of Honor to Michael Monsoor, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class.

Bush "Detached From the Nation's Economic Woes"

Sheryl Gay Stolberg leads off: "The first hint that President Bush might be detached from the nation's economic woes was in February, when he conceded that he had not heard about predictions of ...

Times Trumpets Poll Showing Americans Think US "On Wrong Track"

One question just added to the NYT/CBS News poll: "From what you know, how much do you think the cost of the war in Iraq has contributed to the U.S. economic problems - a lot, some, not much or ...

Reporter Snipes at "General Paranoia" of White House over Terror Threats

Eric Lichtblau talks about his book on the far-left public radio network Pacifica.

To Protect Illegal Immigration, NYT Goes to Bat Again for Agri-Business

Did the "new politics of immigration" really put a farmer "out of business"?

OK, What Have They Done With the Real Howard Dean?

"Democrats' Turmoil Tests Party's Low-Key Leader" - Headline to April 2 story on Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard "I Have a Scream" Dean.

A Double Standard on the Dow: If It Soars, It Bores...

...but if it's bleeding value, it leads the front page.

More Fawning Over Left-Wing Comedian-Activists

Left-wing Lizz Winstead (who?) gets her second glorious profile in the NYT.

Movie Critic: Blacks & the Poor Are in "Exile in America"

Manohla Dargis embraces left-wing alienation: "...they have made a powerful political argument, backed by evidence provided by the shaming indifference of the government, that to be poor and black ...

Who Surrendered in Basra, Anyway?

Radical Shiite cleric Moktada Sadr's troops vanished from Basra under fire from the Iraqi army - but the Times and the rest of the media declare Prime Minister Maliki the big loser.

The "Heroic" Black Power Fists of the '68 Olympics

Radical chic in a front-page news story.

Food Stamp Use Near Record Thanks to "Vanishing Jobs"

What vanishing jobs? The unemployment rate remains steady at a historically low 4.8%. But that doesn't stop the Times from talking about a "painful mix of layoffs and rising food and fuel prices."

Record Snowfall in Ottawa: Whatever Happened to "Climate Change"?

The Times has often made a big deal about global warming's threat to snowfall and, consequently, ski resorts. But when Ottawa approaches record snowfall, weather is just weather.