Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Women Airbrushed from Summer Movie Screens, Whines Movie Critic

Manohla Dargis tries to make summer moviegoers feel guilty about the lack of women in films: "All you have to do is look at the movies themselves - at the decorative blondes and brunettes smiling ...

On Crucial Primary Day, the Times Definitely Tilts Toward Obama

Sarcastically criticizing Hillary, the Times unleashes its inner Republican: "She raises eyebrows and arms in exaggerated indignation. Students who take jobs they do not particularly want after ...

It's Still All Reagan's Fault

Eric Eckholm on two studies of the drug war: "More than two decades after President Ronald Reagan escalated the war on drugs, arrests for drug sales or, more often, drug possession are still rising."

Has Obama Really Overcome His Wright Problem? NYT Says Sure

But a new USA Today/Gallup poll found the opposite to be true: "One-third of likely voters say Obama's ties to Wright make them less likely to vote for him."

GOP Again Challenging Dem Patriotism - But Where's the Times' Evidence?

Robin Toner's still whining about Michael Dukakis: "[In 1988] the Republicans used the symbols of nationhood (notably, whether schoolchildren should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance) ...

Surprising Figures Don't Stop NYT From Seeing "Recession"

Milder-than-expected job losses in April nonetheless spurred a lead story shouting the loss as "powerful evidence that the United States is almost certainly now ensnared in a recession."

Hillary's "Ruthlessness" Keeps Her Fighting Against St. Obama

To attack Hillary Clinton's "ruthlessness," the Times takes an unusual angle of painting the liberal-loathed Whitewater prosecutor Ken Starr as a victim.

Bush Years "One Long, Dumb, Dirty Joke"

Plus Racist Hillary Voters and John "Two Americas" Edwards Takes a Bow

News Flash: Artsy Indianapolis Liberals Still Like Obama

Monica Davey pitted "artsy" Indianapolis folks vs. "less cosmopolitan" hicks who don't want to vote for a black.

No Liberals in Louisiana? That's What Adam Nossiter Thinks

Discussing an upcoming special congressional election, Nossiter says the word "liberal" is "an unlikely appellation in a state where at most a handful of black politicians from the larger cities ...

Coverage of May Day Immigration Rally Less Slanted, But Times Still Found "Fear"

Coverage of illegal immigration rallies, more balanced but still slanted: "...a cloud of fear has settled over immigrants who were worried that the rallies would lead to more sweeps."

McCain Health Plan Means Tax Hike, Says Suddenly Concerned Times

"McCain Health Plan Could Mean Higher Tax," a headline declares, and for once, the Times is not trying to be complimentary. But how are Clinton and Obama planning to pay for their own huge ...

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: NYT's Sorrowful Account of the Obama-Wright Split

Michael Powell and Jodi Kantor: "Mr. Obama gave his speech on race in Philadelphia, a long, pained, nuanced take that purchased distance between himself and his mentor, even as he struggled to ...

U.S. Still Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unidentified Hillary Pollster

One question from a pollster highlighted by the Times: "The anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States is making it more difficult to send money to my family." How, exactly?

NBC's Brian Williams Puzzles Over Countercultural Cornucopia of Sunday NYT

From gay grilling aficionados to flea markets to sex chairs, the Times Sunday edition leaves the NBC anchor a bit bemused.

The Times Turns on Wright, Alongside Obama

But the lead editorial tries to lump in Jeremiah Wright with a McCain supporter, controversial minister John Hagee.

The Times Doesn't Delve Into Jeremiah Wright's Wackiness

The Times' front-page story found Wright a little daffy but essentially harmless: "...a rich, stem-winding brew of black history, Scripture, hallelujahs and hermeneutics."

Ouch! Greenhouse Winces at "Splintered" Court Decisions

A voter ID law in Indiana that Linda Greenhouse found "objectionable" was upheld by the Supreme Court 6-3, in what she called a "splintered" decision. But what about close rulings she approves of?

Opponents of Muslim School "Divisive," "Self-Appointed Watchdogs"

Overdramatic Andrea Elliott: Opponents of a Muslim public school and its principal Debbie Almontaser are part "of a growing and organized movement to stop Muslim citizens who are seeking an ...

Hillary Clinton, "Den Mother of Her Factory Floor"

Jodi Kantor's "compliment" - Hillary reminds her of Roseanne Barr's sitcom character.