Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Jesse Helms' "Hard-Edged Conservatism" Opposed to Everything Good

No love for the "right-wing" senator from North Carolina: "Jesse Helms...whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign ...

One Month In, NYT's Campaign Coverage Obviously Pro-Obama

Obama's June 5-July 5 coverage was positive by a 3:1 ratio. McCain's coverage was negative, by the same ratio.

Unconstitutional Ignorance on the Editorial Page

The same court which last week held up a vital civil liberty - individual gun ownership - is accused of "stripping away civil liberties" in today's lead editorial.

Newsworthy: Long Sunday Profile Gives Limbaugh a Fair Shake

When the Times runs a long profile of Rush Limbaugh that doesn't actually caricature its subject as a bombastic, cigar-chomping mocker of the downtrodden, it's worth a mention.

Today's Lead Story: "Gloom" From "Awful Sales Numbers" Means Plummeting Economy

The Times' gloomiest economics reporter Peter Goodman leads with "awful sales numbers" for autos, and paints an economy headed for the abyss.

Times Huffs at "Entirely False Rumors" Spread About Obama in "Small-Town America"

Brian Knowlton in the Times' international edition: "An article in The Washington Post on Monday summed up the entirely false rumors being widely circulated in small-town America this way: that ...

Iraq Oil Riches to "Reward the Cronies and Allies" of the U.S.?

The Times' lead economics reporter takes a paranoid, Michael Moore-style perspective on news that Iraq will award oil contracts to Western companies.

Obama Wooing Conservative Christians, Angering "Religious Right"

How Obama is winning back the religious vote by "drawing on his own characteristics and story, including his embrace of Christianity as an adult, a facility with biblical language and imagery and ...

NYT Beams: CNN, MSNBC Catching Up (Once Again!) to Fox News

Yet another story on the inevitable decline of Fox News - problem is, liberal-leaning CNN and MSNBC are always gaining but never actually catch up to Fox News.

Only Anti-Obama Videos Are Misleading?

Jim Rutenberg profiles leftist filmmaker Robert Greenwald and his cottage industry of anti-McCain videos and finds nothing amiss - yet flags two conservative producers of anti-Obama videos for ...

Frank Rich on Karl Rove the Racist

"Last week Mr. Rove caricatured him as the elitist 'guy at the country club with the beautiful date.' Provocative as it is to inject Mr. Obama into a setting historically associated with white ...

NYT Attacks Term "Swift Boating" After Years of Using It

Reporter Kate Zernike, the Times most ardent John Kerry defender, finds another front from which to launch attacks on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Weeping for Blacklisted Communist Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo

Stephen Holden's high praise for a Hollywood Communist (and FBI informant): "Peter Askin's stirring documentary 'Trumbo' gives you reasons to cheer but also to weep."

Hating the Supreme Court's Gun-Rights Ruling

The Times uses a misleading stat to bolster its bad argument: "Thirty-thousand Americans are killed by guns every year - on the job, walking to school, at the shopping mall. The Supreme Court on ...

Not a "Smear" to Call McCain a Warmonger?

Plus: Writing While Whiny, and Expect Racist GOP to Assault Obama

"Conservative Hard-Liners" vs. North Korea

Helene Cooper slants her story on liberal State Department diplomacy's triumph in North Korea over Dick Cheney's "hard-line" approach.

Lichtblau's Incomplete Assault on Biased "Political Hiring" at Justice

An incomplete story infused with labeling bias: While the Federalist Society is "bedrock conservative," the Council on American-Islamic Relations merely "advocates civil liberties."

Times Political Editor Admits More Liberals in Newsrooms, Sees No Bias in NYT

The Times' political editor Richard Stevenson (pictured) admits "there are more political liberals in newsrooms than conservatives" but of course denies any favoritism on the part of his paper's ...

Times Lauds Play's "Vigorous Defense of Gay marriage"

Hyping a new gay play, the Times lets two performers accuse a politician of inciting anti-gay violence.

The Times Uncovers Lame Campaign "Attacks" on Muslims

Is this it? "Among the incidents they cite are a statement by Mr. McCain, in a 2007 interview with, that he would prefer a Christian president to a Muslim one; a comment by Senator ...