Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Michael Luo's Anti-Romney Piece Crammed with "Conservative" Labels

The presidential race is tightening, yet the Times still portrays "conservatives" as full of angst over their VP choices.

Times Implausibly Finds "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart Nonpartisan

Michiko Kakutani: "For all its eviscerations of the administration, 'The Daily Show' is animated not by partisanship but by a deep mistrust of all ideology." What show has she been watching?

A Double Standard on "Smears"

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Willie Horton ad fall under the "smear" category, but the NAACP's 2000 attack on George W. Bush doesn't.

Times Makes Obama's Hawaiian Vacation a True Day at the Beach

Even while the candidate's on vacation, the Obama camp gets more and better coverage than does John McCain.

Name That Party - Times Takes Its Time Anointing (D)'s in Trouble

Republicans, by contrast, get almost instant identification in news stories on their alleged misdeeds.

Zernike Lauds "Charismatic," "Inspiring Speaker" Dem. Tim Kaine

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, a potential Obama running mate gets typically warm, almost heroic, treatment.

Reporter: McCain Played Race Card Defending Himself Against Obama Accusation

Can't win alert: According to Michael Powell, when the McCain camp accused Barack Obama of playing the race card, it was itself playing the race card.

NYT Goes on Attack Against Corsi's Anti-Obama Book

For years, the Times has praised misleading anti-Bush books. Yet when a successful book attacking Barack Obama appears, the Times pushes back with a front-page article critical of the ...

McCain's "Dangerous" "Hard Line" Against Russia

Damned if you do...McCain's hard line against Russia is called dangerous - but the Times also runs a front-page story asking why hasn't George helped Georgia yet.

Obama VP Candidate Evan Bayh's Dubious "Conservatism"

Carl Hulse pushes the Indiana senator's "moderate-to-conservative record," a description utterly nullified by Bayh's actual left-of-center voting history.

Bumiller Czechs Up on Old John McCain "Gaffe," Raises Age Issue

Bumiller raises the age issue and recycles her own old attacks on McCain: "Mr. McCain has made a number of verbal gaffes in recent months, including referring three times to Czechoslovakia, a ...

Bin Laden Driver Hamdan's "Impish Sense of Humor"

How sad, how sweet: "The verdict in the first war crimes trial at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, is in: One poorly educated Yemeni, with an impish sense of humor and two little girls, is guilty of ...

Excuses for Not Covering Edwards Affair Refuted by NYT's Own Reporting

The Times comes up with two excuses for not covering allegations of a John Edwards affair: 1) they were anonymously sourced and 2) Edwards was not in contention as Obama's running mate. Both ...

Times Loses Its Mind Over McCain Ad, Parts One & Two

Plus Ruth Bader Ginsburg's not liberal, Swift Boat Vets an "ugly chapter" in history

Times Asks Readers If They Think It Has a Liberal Bias

A NYT online survey gives hints at what executives at the paper are worried about.

NYT Can't Wait: "Deadly U.S. Milestone" of 500 Deaths in Afghanistan

The Times applies the same "grim milestone" template to the 500 deaths in Afghanistan that it does to every 1,000 deaths in Iraq.

Name That (Racist, Anti-Semitic) Party

Adam Nossiter files a disturbing story about racism and anti-Semitism in a Democratic primary in Memphis - but leaves out the "Democrat" part.

Why Is John Edwards No Longer on the NYT's VP List?

John Edwards falls off the paper's page of potential vice presidents, for some unacknowledged reason.

Suspicious Over Pickens, but Embracing Gore's Venture Capitalism

The Times suggests oilman T. Boone Pickens is getting into renewable energy sources for the money: "Perhaps not coincidentally, Mr. Pickens's plan aligns with his own business interests." Yet the ...

"Rampant Development" & Bulldozers Win In Atlanta

More editorializing in the news section: "But in the contest between trees and the area's rampant development, the bulldozers have often won."