Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

It's OK to Question Service Medals...Sometimes

The Times disapproved of Cpl. Pat Tillman's "patriotism-drenched memorial service" and questioned his Silver Star service medal. But the Times has never called into question Sen. John Kerry's ...

Child Killer or Brave Anti-Israel Fighter? Times Leaves It Open for Debate

"Samir Kuntar will return to a hero's welcome when he crosses into Lebanon this week, 29 years after he left its shores in a rubber dinghy to kidnap Israelis....That raid went horribly wrong, ...

On "False and Misleading" Statements, Campaign Blame Falls Mainly on McCain

Jim Rutenberg: "'If the dialogue becomes too elevated, I'll have to retire,' said Brooks Jackson, the director. 'So far, no danger there.' The group has had a particularly busy ...

Is Times "Push[ing] the Panic Buttons" on Bank Sector Woes?

Tuesday's lead story brings up a "Depression scenario."

Justice (and Former ACLU Lawyer) Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Centrist?

As opposed to the divisive Bork and Thomas nominations, "President Clinton played to the center, not the left, in selecting Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer, nominations that were well ...

NYT vs. "Hard-Line" Anti-Castro Activists in Little Havana

More wishful thinking by the Times: "Will Little Havana Go Blue?"

Linda Greenhouse Retires With Parting Shot at Robert Bork

Linda Greenhouse thinks Ted Kennedy and the rest of the Democrats gave Bork a fair shake during his confirmation hearings: "I thought then and think now that the debate had been both fair and ...

Tony Snow, RIP

Tony Snow accepted the William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence at the MRC's 2008 Gala and DisHonors awards April 10.

Still Smearing Senator Helms

Plus: Weeping for a Stalinist Screenwriter & Rushing to Obama's Aid

Is Michael Cooper "Trying to" Make McCain Look Bad?

In Cooper's telling, McCain is always "trying" but never succeeding.

John McCain, Disqualified at Birth, Part II

The Times runs yet another flaky story questioning the presidential eligibility of John McCain.

McCain Fails Another Larry Rohter "Checkpoint" - Obama Can Do No Wrong

Rushing to Obama's aid: A comment from a "conservative" group "not only misrepresents what Mr. Obama said, it also ignores the views he has expressed in the past on the proper role of English and ...

Phil Gramm Attacks Media-Peddled Economic Misery, NYT Lashes Back

John Broder: "Mr. Gramm, in an interview with the Washington Times, seemed to minimize the financial pain being felt by millions of American families."

Big News: Obama's Seen Lots of States

Twelve-hundred words in the Times on Obama's expanding horizons: "The presidential campaign has not only given the country a chance to meet Mr. Obama. It has also given Mr. Obama a chance to meet ...

Bush Wins on Wiretaps - Times Plays It (Mostly) Straight

Reporter Eric Lichtblau, notorious killer of classified anti-terrorist programs, gives Bush his victory due, but also calls a key aspect of the program "divisive." But how divisive was it? The ...

Iraq Vets: Alcoholic Criminals?

Lizette Alvarez seizes on "anecdotal evidence" to find alcohol abuse rising among combat vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan - the latest entry in the Times' notorious "War Torn" series of ...

Double Standards on VP Picks - Lots of Conservative Labels, No Liberal Ones

While "conservatives" have trouble with Mitt Romney and Tom Ridge and like Sen. John Thune, there are apparently no liberals who have trouble with conservative Democrats Sam Nunn and Sen. Jim Webb.

More Strange Bedfellows: Times Aligns With Business, Docs vs. GOP

In two consecutive lead stories, the Times take the side of business organizations in spats against Republican policies.

McCain Speeches Are "YouTube Fodder" - But Obama Never Makes Gaffes?

Another story on McCain's verbal gaffes - but the Times has yet to mention Obama's claim to have visited 57 states, or any of his other odd statements.

Conservatives Making "Racially Tinged Remarks" Against Obama

Reporter Patrick Healy: "McCain advisers also say they are wary of unleashing allies to attack Mr. Obama, given how some conservatives have overstepped and been criticized for racially tinged ...