Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

"Transformers" Movie "Sells Militarism"

Political correctness reigns in the Times' movie review section.

"Conservative" Abortion Opponents but No "Liberals" for Gay Marriage

The Times threw around "conservative" ten times in a story on pro-life opposition to Mitt Romney, but "liberal" wasn't uttered in a story on gay marriage questions at the Democrats "gay debate."

U.S. Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unlabeled Hillary Pollster

The Times runs a pro-illegal immigrant story and quotes the pollster behind it as saying "Mexican immigrants don't feel welcome in the U.S. anymore" - but fails to point out he's also part of ...

Times Finds "Nasty" Politics, Unpleasant Opponents of Illegal Immigration in Illinois

Alex Kotlowitz: "Over the past two years, more than 40 local and state governments have passed ordinances and legislation aimed at making life miserable for illegal immigrants in the hope that ...

NYT's Baghdad Bureau Chief: "No Doubt" Surge Making Life Better in Iraq

John Burns also thinks that the Iraq mission may have been doomed from the start, but thinks things will get much worse there if the U.S. leaves.

Times' Disappointment As Bush's Wiretapping Bill Sails Through Congress

Jim Rutenberg: "Democratic memories are still fresh with attacks Mr. Bush used in 2004 against Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, a presidential rival he portrayed as 'weak on terror.' That Mr. ...

Tom Tancredo Too Extreme for Even Tough-Talking GOP - But What About Obama Remarks?

Marc Santora: "Tough is a brand all the Republican candidates want to own as they run for president. Tough on terrorism, tough on crime, tough on Democrats. But Representative Tom Tancredo, ...

Times Reporter Accuses British Press of Portraying Pakistanis as "Pack of Terrorists"

Times journalist Jane Perlez goes after journalists - from the left: "As her country hovers on the precipice of chaos, Ms. Lodhi, the high commissioner of Pakistan in Britain, holds down the fort ...

Centering Left-Wing Blog Daily Kos While Ignoring Inconvenient Truths

Mainstreaming the Kossacks: "In fact, the online 'progressive movement' led now by people like Mr. Moulitsas, a former Republican and U.S. Army veteran, has become much more acceptable and ...

Giuilani Tweaks the Times, Reporters Get Huffy

The Times calls itself one of the GOP's "favorite targets" in response to a mild crack from Rudy Giuliani about the paper's anti-war stance.

Will Affliction Melt Justice Roberts' Cold Conservative Heart?

Plus: John Edwards as the new JFK and Andrew Sullivan, conservative?

A "Surprise"? Internet-Savvy GOP'ers Want a YouTube Debate

Plus: Andrew Sullivan, "conservative"? Since when?

"Are You For or Against Children?"

Robert Pear thinks the GOP should just give up on stopping the expansion of a federal health care program for children.

Giuilani's "Selective Statistics" on Health Care

Marc Santora claimed "Mr. Giuliani cited horror stories and selective statistics" when talking about health care. No Democrat would ever do that, of course.

Will Justice Roberts' Seizure Make Him More Compassionate?

Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse: "Could adversity temper a jurisprudence that critics of the chief justice have discerned as bloodless and unduly distant from the messy reality of the ...

Times Celebrates: A Vietnam Protest Lives Again as Art

The Times helps repurpose anti-Vietnam War agitprop for Iraq in "Giving New Life To Protests Of Yore."

Abuses of Eminent Domain? The Times' Glass House (Headquarters)

In a story on local governments' abuse of eminent domain, the Times neglects to mention the NYT Co.'s own apparent abuse - its new Times Square headquarters.

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know

Non-journalism junkies need not apply.

Data Mining: Bad When It Fights Terror, Good When It Boosts Times Bottom Line

A reminder of hypocrisy at the Times.

Liberal Critic Recommends Anti-War Doc to Bush-Cheney

Chief movie critic A.O. Scott gives a big thumbs-up to an anti-war documentary, recommending it to the White House: "One can only hope that one of these days they'll get around to watching it."