Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Shock: NYT Writer Takes on the Sainted Rachel Carson and "Silent Spring"

Science writer John Tierney: "Ms. Carson used dubious statistics and anecdotes (like the improbable story of a woman who instantly developed cancer after spraying her basement with DDT) to warn of ...

"Far Right" Clarence Thomas Afraid to Speak for Showing His Ignorance?

Editorial board member Adam Cohen attacks Thomas's rectitude and says of Bush's Supreme Court selections: "With its new members, the court is also likely to make prisons less civilized, and ...

Defending Intolerance on Global Warming

In defending Weather Channel "climate expert" Heidi Cullen's intolerance of opposing views, the Times embraces the idea of man-made global warming as an undeniable fact.

The Times Again Dismisses Seriousness of Kennedy Airport Terror Threat

"Papers Portray Plot as More Talk than Action"

Liberal Juvenilia on the Front Page

A front-page headline to a story on an FCC decency ruling: "If Bush Can Blurt Curse, So Can Network TV." That'll show him!

Book Critic Trashes Hillary Bio By the Times' Own Reporters

Robert Dallek, a popular Times' source for Republican-bashing, can also defend Democrats: "The book is almost uniformly negative and overly focused on what they consider the Clintons' scandalous ...

The Usual "Angry" Conservatives Oppose Bush on Immigration

The Times once again personalizes conservative opposition to Bush's amnesty plan as "vitriolic" ranting.

"Her Way" Takes on Clinton from the Left on Iraq War Vote

In a new book, veteran Times reporters Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta take on Hillary from the left on the war and claim her marriage to Bill is more political than marital, and make ABC's Chris ...

Kennedy Airport Terror Plot Doesn't Make Times' Main Section

The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times found the Kennedy Airport terror plot worthy of the front page - but the hometown paper downplayed the threat in its own backyard.

Rosie O'Donnell, "Useful Provocateur" & Lou Dobbs, "Nativist"

Plus the "Un-American," "Loud and Loony Right" Against the Amnesty Bill

Lou Dobbs Strikes Back Against Times

Dobbs fights back against Times reporter-turned-columnist David Leonhardt, who called Dobbs a paranoid "nativist" for his strong opposition to illegal immigration.

Greenhouse Lauds Ginsburg's Liberal Dissent from the Bench

The Times' Supreme Court reporter gushes: "Whatever else may be said about the Supreme Court's current term, which ends in about a month, it will be remembered as the time when Justice Ruth Bader ...

Simplistic Conservatives vs. "Complex," "Nuanced" Supporters of Immigration Bill

Jim Rutenberg falls back on a liberal conceit: "Conservative opponents can use one word, amnesty, against the bill. Supporters, the president included, are forced into the complex weeds of policy ...

Lou Dobbs, "Heir to the Nativist Tradition" Against Mexicans

David Leonhardt fact-checks the CNN anchor with a vengeance - but could the Times itself withstand similar scrutiny?

Defending "Useful Provocateur" Rosie O'Donnell's WTC 7 Conspiracy Theory

Jim Dwyer on O'Donnell's 9-11 Conspiracy Noodling: " any fair accounting, an often useful provocateur has left the building....she opened debates with others about terrorism, peace and ...

Poor Sen. Kyl "Vilified" by "Angry," "Ferocious" Right for Immigration Bill

But does only one side of the amnesty debate vilify its opponents? A signed editorial calls anti-amnesty conservatives "un-American" and "the loud and loony right."

Bush's Memorial Day Speech: At Least not as "Bellicose" as Cheney's

Stolberg faintly praised Bush for avoiding his "now-familiar refrain" on Iraq, but Cheney was "sharp and at times bellicose" in defense of the war.

The Times Marks Memorial Day In Its Own Slanted Way

For Memorial Day, the Times called pro-war soldiers "true believers," ignored soldiers' deaths in Afghanistan, and accused Bush once again of not attending soldiers' funerals.

Kaus on Fire Over NYT's Bad Immigration Polling

Slate's Mickey Kaus: "That NYT -CBS poll purporting to show support for the Kyl-Kennedy semi-amnesty isn't as bad as I realized. It's worse!"

Times Targeted at National Press Club for Politically Correct Coverage of Duke Case

Influential columnist Stuart Taylor targets the New York Times treatment of the Duke "rape" hoax.