Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Advertising Reporter Is Hearing Things in Super Bowl Ads

The Times' advertising writer: "Then, too, there was the unfortunate homonym at the heart of a commercial from Prudential Financial, titled 'What Can a Rock Do?' The problem with the spot, created ...

The "Enormity" of Oil Profits by Exxon and Shell?

Clifford Krauss makes a strange word choice to describe record profits by the oil companies Exxon and Shell.

The Times Buries Good Economic News, Emphasizes Hypothetical Bad News

Economics reporter Vikas Bajaj puts forth his usual sunny outlook: "The road ahead promises to be a long, hard slog as corporate profits are starting to slow." Meanwhile, the higher-than-expected ...

Thomas Friedman: Soviet Union Died Due to Low Oil Prices, Not Ronald Reagan

Columnist Friedman says it was low oil prices that killed the Soviet Union, "not because of anything Ronald Reagan did."

The Times Jumps to a Pro-Democrat Conclusion on Fla. Voting Machines

The Times jumps to a pro-Democrat conclusion in its lead story on Florida replacing its touch-screen voting machines: "In Sarasota County last November, more than 18,000 voters who used ...

Times Apologizes for Showing Photo, Video of Dying Soldier

The Times "expresses regret that the family suffered distress."

The Times Misleads Again: "Domestic Surveillance" By the Government?

The Times against twists the NSA terror surveillance program into "domestic surveillance."

Joe Biden's "Oops!" vs. Dick Armey's "Slur"

The Times gives front-page play to Sen. Joe Biden's latest controversial statement, but gives him the benefit of the doubt that it was a simple mistake ("Oops!")

Bush Interfering with Government Climate Science, Says Unlabeled Left-Wing Group

Cornelia Dean uses a left-wing report to hit the administration: "Under its new Democratic chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, the House Committee on Oversight and Government ...

Greenhouse Omits Facts that Make Big Bad Wal-Mart Look Good

The Times' labor reporter skips the inconvenient truth: Wal-Mart overpaid 215,000 employees over the last five years, but is not seeking to recover the money.

The "Ic" Factor

George Bush, new master of the verbal putdown?

Fox News Cites Times Watch's Story on Double Standards

Brit Hume led off his "Political Grapevine" by noting a Times Watch discovery: Two Times reporters who have appeared on Charlie Rose relayed personal opinions on the broadcast - but only the one ...

Bellafante Bashes Milton Friedman's "Free-Market Absolutism," Sees Downside to End of Military Draft

Strange, strained criticism of towering economist Milton Friedman: "Though Mr. Friedman's free-choice doctrine contributed to ending the draft in the 1970s, the film takes virtually no note of the ...

Times Reporter Chastised for Saying He Wants US to Win in Iraq

The Times' military correspondent got in hot water for advancing a personal opinion on the Iraq War on television. But what about liberal reporters who do the same?

Double Standards on Racially Charged Criminal Accusations?

A hate-crime prosecutor in Long Beach wins a case, but his lead witness is shown as dubious in the Times. That's not quite how the paper characterized the bearer of false witness in the Duke ...

Conservative Insight Magazine "Inaccurate" - Except When Cited by the Times?

According to the Times, an "anonymous smear" from Insight magazine was preceded by "a series of inaccurate or hard-to-verify articles on Insight." But the Times cited it last August to bolster a ...

It's a "Caricature" to Call Nancy Pelosi Liberal?

Robin Toner: "For Ms. Pelosi, relentlessly caricatured by the Republicans last year as a hard-edged, tax-raising liberal, the image of mother and grandmother takes the edge off the ideological ...

Another Discerning Comparison

Plus: Celebrating Al Sharpton's Style Sense and "Poignant Commentary" from Sen. James Webb

The Times Embraces Ideological Rating System - For Conservatives, Anyway

First Sen. Brownback, now Rep. Duncan Hunter - GOP presidential candidates who announce their candidacies are greeted in the Times with ideological ratings from the American Conservative Union. ...

Still Ignoring Al Sharpton's Hateful Past

Patrick Healy hits inflammatory Al Sharpton hard in his story on Sharpton's tour of Democratic presidential candidates: "The Rev. Al Sharpton, a man who says he knows a well-tailored suit from a ...