Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

A Three-Week Old "Spotlight" on GOP Senator's Anti-War Speech

The Times livens up a slow news cycle with an anti-war push.

The New York Times' own Rathergate

Pubic editor Byron Calame has exposed prominent publication of a lie. The top editors refuse to retract or publish a correction

Top Ten Lowlights of The New York Times in 2006

From reporters throwing national security secrets onto the front page to publishers going on liberal rants at graduation ceremonies, we've whittled down the worst from another liberally slanted ...

Bush Out of Touch with Commanders, Own Party Over Troop Levels?

Jim Rutenberg on Bush's possible call for more troops: "That Mr. Bush would even consider a military plan at variance with the wishes of some of his commanders has added to an increasing sense of ...

George Allen's "Macaca," "a Jolting Suggestion of Bigotry"

Frank Bruni Frets Over "Macaca" as well as a "worrisome" word from Bush.

GOP Congress All About "Purging Democrats and Hobbling Government"

Reporter Carl Hulse signs on to Democratic venting about the "stifling," dissent-squelching Republican Congress.

Why Does Africa Hate Us?

Reporter Jeffrey Gettleman knows why: Iraq.

Sen. Obama: Not Really That Liberal?

Jeff Zeleny stretches hard to position Barack Obama as a more moderate candidate.

Dangerous Japanese "Right Wingers" vs. North Korean "Leader" Kim Jong-il

"Right-wing" Japanese critics of North Korea insist on making a big deal about that little abduction-of-its-citizens thing. Scary!

Bush's Tax Cuts to Blame for U.S. Economic Problems

If the Times really believe in "saving more" at the federal level, why does it flinch at the very idea of spending cuts?

White House Must "Defend" Not Informing Reporters about Laura Bush's Skin Cancer

Jim Rutenberg: "[Tony] Snow said Mrs. Bush had a right to privacy because she was not a public official, even though she was a public persona and campaigned heavily for Republicans this fall. ...

The "Populist" Fight for a Minimum Wage?

The "much-delayed increase in the minimum wage" is being pushed by "populists" (not liberals?).

Times Watch Presents the Quotes of Note for 2006

Presenting the absolute worst quotes of the year from the New York Times, including the much-prized Quote of the Year. Who won?

English-Only Measure Burnishes Town's Image as "Old West Backwater"

The Times fires some cheap shots at "anti-immigration" legislation in Pahrump, Nevada.

"Frightened" Illegal Immigrants in Hiding After Raids

The Times almost ignores the reason for the raid (identity theft) and shows strange new solicitude for a CEO whose business was hurt by the arrest of the illegal immigrants, or as the Times puts ...

Air America Bankrupt - Times Again Ignores Loan from Boys & Girls Club

A choice example of liberal hypocrisy is again ignored by the Times.

El Salvador's "Right-Wing Junta" vs. Sandinista's "Left-Wing Council"

Tim Weiner's obituary for Jeane Kirkpatrick, America's forceful ambassador to the United Nations, includes some of Weiner's trademark foreign policy liberalism.

Nope, No Bias Here

Plus: Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's obituary features dictators and double standards.

Publicizing a Play for Tookie

An obscure piece of anti-death penalty propaganda theatre in Berkeley somehow makes the Times' front section.

Objective Journalism or Pro-Environmentalist PR?

The Times pushes a dire story on global warming, while encouraging ad agencies to produce pro-energy conservation ad campaigns for a news story.