Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Being Pro-Life Is an "Extreme Position"?

Plus: "Installed" Bush has no mandate.

"Lifelong Republican" No Average Joe Sestak Supporter

The Times quotes a "lifelong Republican" at an American Legion post in Pennsylvania opposing Bush's plan for more troops - but doesn't inform readers that not only did the Republican vote for the ...

Gen. Shinseki "Vilified...Marginalized by the Bush Administration"

Thom Shanker's blurry prose makes it sound as if Shinseki was forced into retirement by vengeful Bushies when that wasn't the case.

"Installed" Bush "Ignoring the Results of the November Elections"

Sheryl Gay Stolberg: Bush "was installed in the White House by a 5-to-4 vote of the Supreme Court" and "is ignoring the results of the November elections" by insisting on more troops in Iraq.

A "Widening Witch Hunt" for Communist Informers in Poland

Extremely biased, and not even close to the truth - the Polish bishop, Stanislaw Wielgus, has already admitted to collaborating with the Communist secret police.

Will Bush Presidential Library Compromise "Academic Freedom"?

News Flash: Liberal academics at Southern Methodist University oppose a George W. Bush Presidential Library on their campus.

Former NYT Reporter's New Book: "American Fascists - The Christian Right and the War on America."

Christopher Hedges, who reported for the Times for 15 years, thinks the Christian Right "should no longer be tolerated."

Misleading on Tax Cuts That "Offer Most For Very Rich"

Middle-income earners saw their taxes "edge down" by a mere....42%!

The Times Corrects Its Phony Abortion Story

Public Editor Barney Calame gets results: "The Times should have obtained the text of the ruling of the three-judge panel before the article was published, but did not vigorously pursue the ...

Pelosi Wins Speakership, Times Rubs It In

John Broder: "[Republican leader John] Boehner sat glum and unmoving in his seat for much of the hour it took to record the vote that put Mrs. Pelosi in the speaker's chair."

Bush Still President, Times Disturbed

Jim Rutenberg: Bush is "the man who all but ignored the disputed circumstances of his election in 2000, governed from then as if he had an expansive mandate...."

Waters Appears on FNC's Cavuto Show, Discusses Saddam Execution Coverage

Waters discussed the Times' week-long lament over the execution of Saddam Hussein.

The GOP's "Whining," Petulant Hypocrite

"Waving his hands and stomping his feet, Representative Patrick T. McHenry of North Carolina acted out on Wednesday what the rest of the Republican caucus must have felt."

The "Cruel Theater," "Abusive Conduct" of Saddam's Execution

And a Slate columnist "couldn't help but pick up on the distinct strain of grudging admiration that ran through the NYT's coverage of Hussein's trip to the gallows."

Incoming Democrats Break Pledge - the Times Snores

The Times glosses over the Democratic Party's broken pledges in favor of "Pelosi-palooza."

Taking Pro-Democrat Talking Points as Fact

Kate Zernike runs off Democratic talking points about alleged voting irregularities in a Florida House race won by a Republican.

The "Capture" of an Israeli Soldier by Hamas?

Was Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit "kidnapped" or merely "captured"?

The Times "Grimly" Repeats Itself

A theme emerges in the paper's coverage of the Iraq War dead.

Pro-Life Actress Patricia Heaton's "Extreme Positions"

So Heaton is "extreme," but Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, etc., aren't?

Times Watch Director Appears on FNC's "Your World With Neil Cavuto"

Waters discusses the Times' unhappiness over the "rush to hang Saddam Hussein."