Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

The Times Again Corrects Itself on Kerry's "Botched Joke"

The Times still can't nail down the basic details of what Sen. John Kerry said about U.S. troops being "stuck in Iraq."

"The Bible Belt is the Loire Valley of American Extremism..."

TV critic Alessandra Stanley is off the leash.

The Times Botches Kerry's "Botched Joke" Once Again

Doesn't anyone at the Times know what John Kerry actually said? By repeating a pro-Kerry explanation for his "botched joke," Adam Nagourney makes the same mistake his colleague made in November.

"Poignant Commentary on the War" from Bush-Bashing Sen. James Webb

From Kate Zernike's profile of Nancy Pelosi, who is no white male, unlike that boring Dick Cheney. Also, the left's new favorite Bush fighter, James Webb.

So What Does the Times Really Think of Bush?

George Bush, "trampler"-in-chief.

Double Standards: Ideological Rifts in GOP, but None Among Dems?

The Times sees conservative ideological battles for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, while Democrats are rated mostly on competence and experience.

Hillary's "Warmer Maternal Side"

How adorable.

Ignoring Sen. Rockefeller's Own "Rhetoric About Iraq" and WMD

In a front-page story, Mark Mazzetti lets Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller rip into Bush for misleading "rhetoric about Iraq before the American invasion of 2003," but ignores what Rockefeller ...

Can Ralph Nader Be Forgiven?

Reporter Robin Finn mentions Ralph Nader's "devastating feud with the Democratic Party." But devastating for who?

Times Still Twisting Anti-Terror Tactic Into "Domestic Surveillance"

A program monitoring overseas calls from terror suspects in the U.S. becomes a "domestic surveillance program."

Times Excited as Global Warming Legislation Heats Up on the Hill

Excitment on the Hill with global warming anecdotes and "the man of the moment," Sen. Barack Obama.

The Times TwistsTerrorist Surveillance Into "Domestic Eavesdropping"

The Times misleads again on the details of the administration's "domestic" terror surveillance program that allegedly "eavesdrops" on Americans.

Global Warming (80) Proof

From the Times' specialty drinks writer: 'By proposing to add polar bears to the list of 'threatened' species last month, the Bush administration seemed to finally acknowledge that global warming ...

The "Unforgiving," "Shrill" French Minister Who Dared to Criticize Car-Burning Hoods

An unfavorable look at Nicolas Sarkozy's reputation "as the country's unforgiving and divisive enforcer of law and order..."

Democrats Seeking "Middle Ground"?

But the Times' idea of "governing from the center" includes minimum-wage hikes and increasing education aid.

Vietnam, Always Handy

"The president wants to be like Truman. Some historians think he may be more like L.B.J."

Times Celebrates MLK Day the Usual Way: With GOP-Bashing

"Against the backdrop of an escalating war in Iraq and increasing economic disparity in the United States..." What does that have to do with Martin Luther King Day?

George Soros Not a Liberal?

Yet more double standards in labeling in the Times.

At Last: The Real Story Behind SMU's Opposition to Bush Library

A week later, reporter Ralph Blumenthal finally gets the story on the liberal academics fighting a George W. Bush library at Southern Methodist University.

Times Reverses Itself on Duke Rape Case

The Times, less than five months ago: "By disclosing pieces of evidence favorable to the defendants, the defense has created an image of a case heading for the rocks. But an examination of the ...