Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Bush "Well Aware" That "Civil War" Label Hurts Him - And So Does the NYT

Yesterday, the Times' executive editor announced that reporters could use the phrase "civil war" to describe Iraq.

A Supreme Setback for the Times

Two Times reporters called Islamic charity groups suspected of terrorist ties, in advance of government raids - and the Supreme Court yesterday refused to stop a federal prosecutor from reviewing ...

Bill Keller Follows NBC's Lead: Reporters Can Call Iraq Conflict "Civil War"

Good news for Baghdad-based reporter Edward Wong: Bill Keller declares Times reporters can now call the conflict in Iraq a "civil war."

Times Reviews Attacks on Ann Coulter, Not Coulter's Own Best Sellers

Jacob Heilbrunn finds three anti-Coulter books feeble. But at least they get reviewed - unlike the best-selling Coulter herself, whose last book was apparently ignored by the Times Book Review.

Democrats Won, but the Class Struggle Continues

Economics reporter Louis "Double the Minimum Wage" Uchitelle on "conspicious consumption" by the new rich.

"Civil Rights Leader" Al Sharpton

Are they serious?

Sowing Doubt About Voting Machines After a GOP Win in Florida

Lead sentence: "A Republican House candidate was named the winner on Monday in a disputed race in Sarasota where thousands of votes may have been lost by electronic machines..."

Class War With a Twist: "Merely Rich" vs. "Super Rich"

At last, a class war with direct appeal to the Times affluent liberal readership.

Left-Wing Israeli "Peace" Group Knows Just Who to Call

Steven Erlanger gets the first look at a report from what he calls an "Israeli advocacy group" that advocates Israelis move out of "occupied territories" - and gets the lead story as well.

Good News for Dems in South: Voters May Overcome Their Racism

Adam Nossiter: "At one level, Mr. Ford's loss to the Republican, Bob Corker, was simply a reiteration of an ancient reality for Democrats in the South: black candidates in statewide races are ...

Grounds for Anti-War Bias

The Times advertises for an anti-war "coffeehouse" with no coffee that promises "free exchange of ideas" and "accurate information" on the war. First up on the accurate information front: A ...

Incurious George in Vietnam: He's No Bill Clinton

"But the mood of this trip could not have been more different from the visit of another president, Bill Clinton, exactly six years ago this weekend, when he seemed to be everywhere."

"Moderate" Majority Leader Steny Hoyer?

Carl Hulse on Hoyer's "moderate image."

David Sanger's Own Personal Vietnam

Reporter David Sanger never misses a chance to compare Iraq to Vietnam, making Bush's visit to the region irresistable as fodder.

The New Man on the Conservative Beat

And a Times copy editor adds an unfair twist to a straightforward sentence.

Gettleman: Blame Global Warming for Fighting in Darfur

Jeffrey Gettleman has found an all-purpose bogeyman: "Malaria, one of Africa's leading killers, is spreading to higher altitudes because of rising temperatures. The Sahara is expanding, turning ...

Al Jazeera, Meet the Times' Editorial Page

A bit of Al Jazeera propaganda ("alleged war on terror") sounds strangely familiar.

"Staunch Conservative" John Murtha?

More misleading labeling on anti-war hero Rep. Murtha by reporter Carl Hulse.

"Mr. Bush's So-Called War on Terror"

Does the Times truly believe there is one?

Painting the Pitiable Prisoners of Abu Ghraib

Roberta Smith on Fernando Botero's "Abu Ghraib" paintings: "The new Boteros hold art and politics in balance, creating the needed buffer to help us face the unbearable and maintain some hope. They ...