Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Morning Shows Binge on Tabloid Criminal Trials: 56 Minutes vs. 7 for Benghazi Hearings

The network morning shows on Thursday went into tabloid overdrive for the Jodi Arias verdict and an abduction case in Ohio, offering a staggering 56 minutes of coverage. In contrast, NBC, CBS and ...
Media Research Center

Fox News Channel Viewers Get to See 108 Minutes of Live Benghazi Hearings; MSNBC? Nothing

Wednesday's congressional hearings on the September 11 terrorists attacks in Benghazi provided a stark contrast between Fox News Channel and MSNBC. From the time the whistleblower testimony began ...
Media Research Center

ABC Again Hits Christie With Weight Jokes: He 'Devours His Critics' With a 'Healthy Appetite'

Covering New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's secret weight loss surgery, Good Morning America's Paula Faris couldn't help but make fat jokes. The reporter on Wednesday began her segment by wryly ...
Media Research Center

Lapdog ABC Still Not Interested in Details of Obama Donor Beyonce's Trip to Cuba

This past April, celebrity Obama donors Beyonce Knowles and husband Jay-Z took a controversial trip to the communist country of Cuba. Knowles appeared on Monday's Good Morning America and ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares NRA to Nazis, Decries Use of Nazi Comparisons

Apparently not even Chris Matthews listens to Chris Matthews. On Monday's Hardball, the liberal anchor compared the speeches at the National Rifle Association's 2013 convention to the Nazis. Three ...
Media Research Center

Snide ABC: NRA Takes a 'Victory Lap' and 'Uses' Boston to Fight Gun Control

ABC reporters over the weekend huffed that the National Rifle Association took a "victory lap" and sneered that the gun group was "using" the Boston bombing at their recent convention. Reporter ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Shrieks: NRA Is Doing a 'Dance of Death' Over Obama

The staunchly pro-gun control Chris Matthews on Friday sneered that the National Rifle Association is doing a "dance of death" in celebration of their victory over Barack Obama. Regarding senators ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts 'Slamming' of Anti-Gun Control Senator at Town Hall, But Mocked 'Ugly' Tea Partiers

Good Morning America's Jeff Zeleny on Friday hyped a Senator being "slammed" by pro-gun control voices at a town hall. Yet, the same network back in 2009 worried about Tea Party town halls ...
Media Research Center

ABC Continues Shameful Blackout of Gosnell Coverage, Finds Time for Sno-Kone Battle

Forty six days after the grisly trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell began, ABC still has not uttered one word about the case. Gosnell is charged with the murder of four infants and one patient, ...
Media Research Center

May Day Protests Erupt in Violence: NBC Ignores, ABC and CBS Skip Socialist Connection

NBC's Today on Thursday completely skipped the violence associated with May Day protests in Seattle. CBS This Morning and ABC's Good Morning America covered the riots briefly, but ignored the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Libya Whistleblower Who Asserts: We Know Who Perpetrated Benghazi

All three network newscasts on Monday and Tuesday ignored the shocking assertions made by a whistleblower who told Fox News that special forces could have responded to the 2012 terrorist attack on ...
Media Research Center

ABC Salutes Gay Basketball Player as a 'True Pioneer' Who Is Just Like 'Jackie Robinson'

Good Morning America on Tuesday hailed the announcement that basketball player Jason Collins was gay. News reader Josh Elliott compared the Washington Wizards player to Jackie Robinson, the first ...
Media Research Center

ABC Remains Silent on Gosnell: Day 43 and Still No Coverage of Gruesome Abortion Case

ABC's blackout of the gruesome charges against abortionist Kermit Gosnell continued on Tuesday, 43 days after the trial began. This came one day after a Media Research Center study found that the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Extols: 'Hilarious,' 'Funny' 'Comedian-in-Chief' 'Was on Fire' at Correspondents Dinner

The journalists at Good Morning America gushed over Barack Obama's performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday. On Sunday and Monday's program, the reporters enthused over the ...
Media Research Center

GMA Devotes 109 Minutes to Other Trials, But Not One Second for Gosnell Horrors

Over the past 42 days, ABC’s Good Morning America aired 41 stories on sensational criminal cases, including the Amanda Knox re-trial and the Jodi Arias case, totaling 109 minutes of coverage, but ...
Media Research Center

ABC Heralds End of 'Airport Armageddon,' Fails to Portray Furloughs Battle as Democratic Defeat

ABC stubbornly stuck to its talking points on Friday, portraying the furloughs of Federal Aviation Administration employees as "airport armageddon." Despite the fact that even liberal outlets such ...

Diane Sawyer Pesters George W. Bush: Ready to Flip Your Position on Gay Marriage?

World News anchor Diane Sawyer scored an exclusive interview with George W. Bush for Wednesday's program. Sawyer used the opportunity to pester the former president about gay marriage, prompting, ...
Media Research Center

ABC Celebrates Earth Day By Pushing Carbon Taxes, Touting Anti-Keystone 'Agitator'

Nightline co-anchor Bill Weir on Tuesday belatedly celebrated Earth Day by touting a left-wing environmentalist who is pushing for new carbon taxes and opposing the construction of the Keystone ...
Media Research Center

NBC, ABC Ignore a Blistering House Report Placing Blame for Benghazi on Obama, Clinton

NBC and ABC completely skipped a scathing new report that singles out Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for blame after the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. CBS, in contrast, ...
Media Research Center

ABC Doubles Down on 'Airplane Apocalypse,' Connects Weather Delays to Sequester

ABC won't let reality get in the way of good hype. Good Morning America on Tuesday doubled down on the "airline apocalypse" allegedly caused by sequester. Reporter Matt Guttman actually lumped in ...