Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Networks All Adopt Obama's Talking Points: President Is Expressing 'Solidarity' With Workers

All three networks on Wednesday and Thursday parroted the exact same talking points from the White House, touting Barack Obama for expressing "solidarity" with struggling workers by taking a ...
Media Research Center

Outrage: Chris Matthews Links Pro-Second Amendment Ted Cruz to Prosecutor Shootings in Texas

An unhinged Chris Matthews exploited another tragedy on Wednesday, connecting the pro-Second Amendment views of Ted Cruz and other Republicans to the shootings of two prosecutors in Texas. The ...
Media Research Center

ABC Begins 'Hillary Watch' 2016, Features Man Hoping She'll 'Save the Country'

Longtime Hillary Clinton fan Claire Shipman isn't waiting for the 2016 push. The Good Morning America reporter on Wednesday launched "Hillary Watch" and regurgitated talking points about a ...
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores Own Scoop; Skips Latest on Fort Hood Victims Being Denied Purple Hearts

It's not often that media outlets ignore their own scoops, but that's what ABC is doing. The network has (thus far) relegated to its website the latest details on the decision by the Obama Defense ...
Media Research Center

Robert Redford Loves Stephanopoulos's Fawning Over His '60s Radicals Film: 'You Ought to Be on the Marketing Team!'

George Stephanopoulos was so enthusiastic towards Robert Redford and his sympathetic new film about an ex-1960s radical that the actor enthused, "You ought to get on the marketing team!" The aging ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Gushes: Hillary in 2016 Will Have the Most Impressive Bio Since General Eisenhower

Does Chris Matthews have a new Democrat to give him a "thrill" up his leg? On Monday, the Hardball anchor praised Hillary Clinton's stature leading up to a hypothetical 2016 run as the most ...
Media Research Center

ABC Foams Over 'Racial' Gaffe By Republican Congressman: 11 References to GOP in Two Minutes

The reporters and hosts of Good Morning America really want you to know something: Don Young is a Republican. The ABC morning show on Saturday featured 11 mentions of the Congressman's ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignored Joe Biden's Smear of Indian Americans, But Hypes GOP Congressman's 'Slur'

In 2006, Joe Biden, then a powerful U.S. senator and future vice president, smeared Indian Americans as mostly working at the convenience store 7-11. At the time, NBC (and the other networks) ...
Media Research Center

Movie Mad Matthews: Pro-Second Amendment Voices Are Like the Nazis in Casablanca

Chris Matthews on Thursday took a break from comparing conservatives to Nazis and instead compared them to movie Nazis. The Hardball anchor opened the program by referencing the classic movie ...
Media Research Center

Terry Moran Lashes Out at 'Paranoid,' 'Orwellian' Fears of Gun Owners

Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Sunday lashed out at the "paranoid," Orwellian theories of gun owners who fear what Barack Obama will do to the Second Amendment. Moran appeared with Republican ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Electrifying' 'Fighter' Who Is Taking a 'Stand for Marriage Equality'

On Wednesday and Thursday, the journalists at ABC continued to treat the gay marriage issue as though there was only one acceptable side. Diane Sawyer and Terry Moran framed the case before the ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares Bush's 'Aggressive' Iraq War to Nazis on Trial at Nuremberg

Nazis are fast becoming the favorite slur of the hosts on MSNBC. Chris Matthews last Friday compared the "aggressive" push for war in Iraq to what lead to the prosecution of war criminals at the ...
Media Research Center

ABC on Gay Marriage: '21st Century Social Movement' Vs. Old, 'Downright Perplexed' Justices

ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday again offered the most biased coverage on the gay marriage case before the Supreme Court. All three network morning shows skipped specific mention of the ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Kennedy Love Continues: Network Fawns Over Family Poetry

Good Morning America's historical coverage is mostly non-existent. Yet, there's one thing the ABC program finds time for every year: Kennedy worship. On Tuesday's GMA, the same program that ...
Media Research Center

Picking Sides: ABC Offers a Slanted Take on 'Historic Hearing on Marriage Equality'

The reporters of ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday offered a one-sided take on the Supreme Court's "historic hearing on marriage equality." The morning show featured four voices in support of ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts Bloomberg's 'Personal Fortune' Funding Gun Control Ads, But Warned of 'Billionaire' Conservatives

Good Morning America on Monday hyped Michael Bloomberg using his "personal fortune" to promote gun control with new ads. Reporter Jim Avila used three clips of either Bloomberg or the commercials ...

Networks Compared Obama's Gun Fight to Beating the Nazis, But Blandly Cover Senate Setback

Over the winter, the three networks eagerly compared Barack Obama's push for more gun control to "defeating the Nazis," hyping his "dramatic," "emotional" effort. Yet, when the President suffered ...
Media Research Center

All Three Networks Ignore Harry Reid Connecting Marine Deaths to Sequester Cuts

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday linked the accidental deaths of seven U.S. Marines to sequester spending cuts. All three networks have, thus far, skipped the story. After highlighting ...
Media Research Center

ABC Allows a Mere 20 Seconds to 'Outrage' Over Cyprus Tax Scheme to Fund Bailout

Just how superficial is ABC? On Monday and Tuesday, the network allowed a mere 20 seconds to "outrage" over a plan by the European Union that would have seized ten percent of the money Cyprus ...
Media Research Center

ABC Warns of 'Conservative' Pope Who Has Been Called 'Medieval' on Social Issues

The media backlash against Pope Francis may be beginning. After relatively positive coverage, ABC and NBC on Monday both highlighted the Argentinean President denouncing his "medieval" views on ...