Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Networks Praise 'Historic' Move By Boy Scouts, ABC Compares Gay Struggle to Rockwell Painting

The three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning hailed a "historic" potential change by the Boy Scouts that would lift the ban on gays in their organization. ABC compared the move to a ...
Media Research Center

'Lovefest!' ABC Gushes Over 'Best of Friends' Clinton and Obama

The journalists at Good Morning America on Monday could barely restrain the hype as they gushed over the "lovefest" joint interview between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. An ABC graphic even ...
Media Research Center

Gingrich Interrogates Gun-Grabbing Piers Morgan: 'Isn't Your Real View That You Would Ban Pistols?'

Newt Gingrich on Thursday night interrogated the gun-grabbing Piers Morgan, pushing the CNN host as to what his real motives are. An aggressive Gingrich insisted, "So, why don't you share your ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Martha Raddatz Extols 'Combative, Charming, Disarming' Hillary Clinton

ABC's Martha Raddatz on Thursday swooned over Hillary Clinton's Senate testimony on Benghazi, lauding the outgoing Secretary of State as "combative, charming, disarming and clearly ready for a ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos 'Can't Imagine' Congress Would 'Beat' Hillary Up Over Benghazi

Previewing Hillary Clinton's testimony over the terrorist incident in Benghazi, George Stephanopoulos scoffed at the idea that members of Congress would dare grill the outgoing Secretary of State. ...
Media Research Center

Liberal George Stephanopoulos Lobbies: I'm a 'Long-Time Supporter of Gun Control'

Good Morning America co-anchor George Stephanopoulos appeared on Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor to openly lobby for more gun control and reflect on his previous career as a Democratic operative for ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Moran Delights Over the 'President With a Purpose' and His 'History-Making Call to Action'

Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Tuesday could barely contain his excitement on Inauguration Day, extolling the "President with a purpose" and his "history-making call to action." Moran, who has ...
Media Research Center

Surprise! ABC Discovers That Barack Obama Is a 'Progressive' 'Liberal'

After years of downplaying ideological labels for Barack Obama, ABC has seemingly accepted the idea that the President is a "progressive" and a "liberal." While recapping the inauguration, Good ...
Media Research Center

On Inauguration Day, Joe Scarborough Continues Assault on NRA and Their 'Big Lie'

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who now spends much of his Morning Joe program trashing the Republican Party and various conservatives, used the inauguration of Barack Obama as ...
Media Research Center

ABC Lauds Obama for Highlighting 'Modern American Families'; He's a 'Democratic Reagan'

Barack Obama's second inaugural met with much praise from the journalists at ABC. World News anchor Diane Sawyer hyped the President's mentions of gays as a recognition of the "modern American ...
Media Research Center

Bill Weir, Who Swooned That 'Seagulls' Were Awed By Obama, Now Sees 'History Keeping You Warm'

Four years ago, ABC journalist Bill Weir swooned that "national pride" made the cold of Inauguration Day seem warmer and that even the seagulls were "awed." On Monday, the reporter was at it ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Confounded By NRA's 'Surprising' Popularity in New Poll

A perplexed Andrea Mitchell on Thursday highlighted a new NBC poll finding high favorability numbers for the National Rifle Association, results she deemed "surprising." The veteran journalist ...
Media Research Center

Lazy Matthews: Pro-Gun Conservatives Are Segregationists, Just Like Anti-Tax Segregationists

Perhaps, it would be easier to ask Chris Matthews what isn't like being an old segregationist? Two weeks ago, the Hardball host compared anti-tax conservatives to "being the most segregationist ...
Media Research Center

ABC Offers Actual Dissenting Voices on Gun Control, Still Frets Over 'Ferocious' Opposition

After spending the first half of the week acting as a stenographer for Barack Obama, Jon Karl on Wednesday night and Thursday morning finally featured some dissenting voices on the rush to promote ...
Media Research Center

Cue Sitcom Laugh Track: Joe Scarborough Claims to Be a 'Really Conservative Guy'

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, best known for constantly attacking the Republican Party and conservatives in general, made the laughable claim on Wednesday that he's a "really conservative guy." ...
Media Research Center

Hyperbolic ABC Fumes Over 'Vicious,' 'Harsh,' 'Personal' NRA Ad Against Obama

The journalists at Good Morning America on Wednesday howled with outrage over a new ad by the National Rifle Association, deriding the commercial as a "vicious," "harsh" and "personal" attack on ...
Media Research Center

Stenographers: ABC Touts Obama's 'Ultimatum,' President Won't 'Negotiate'

Good Morning America on Tuesday touted White House talking points, promoting Barack Obama's "ultimatum" to Republicans over the debt ceiling and hyping the President's refusal to negotiate. An ABC ...
Media Research Center

No Shame: MSNBC's Martin Bashir Disgustingly Compares the NRA to Hitler

MSNBC's Martin Bashir, the man who compared Rick Santorum to Stalin, on Monday declared that the National Rifle Association "deserved to be equated with Hitler." The arch-liberal cable anchor ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts Liberal Worries: 'Most Controversial' Zero Dark Thirty 'Glorifies Torture'

ABC touted the outrage liberals are now expressing over Zero Dark Thirty, complaining that the film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden "glorifies the torture of terror suspects." Sunday Good ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Hypocrisy and Absurdity' of Lack of Hurricane Sandy Money, Skips Pork

Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Sunday hyped "allegations of hypocrisy and absurdity" against House Republicans, complaining about the amount of money New Jersey and New York will get for ...