Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Clueless Chris Matthews on State of the Union: 'There's Nothing Lefty in Here; What's the Left-Wing Part?'

What world does Chris Matthews live in? The MSNBC anchor on Wednesday saw nothing liberal in Barack Obama's State of the Union. Talking to Chuck Todd, the Hardball anchor puzzled, "There's nothing ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Touts Obama's 'Dramatic,' 'Emotional' Speech, Chided Rubio's 'Hard-Edged' Response

George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday's Good Morning America delighted over Barack Obama's "dramatic," "emotional" and "ambitious" speech. During live coverage of last night's Republican response, ...
Media Research Center

Obama Shill George Stephanopoulos Grills Rubio: 'Can You' 'Pledge' Not to Undermine the Economy?

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos was in full Obama talking points mode, Wednesday, grilling Marco Rubio on why he won't support the President's agenda. Every question the host offered ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Wonders If Journalists Should Seriously Consider Cop Killer's 'Complaint'

Liberal host Chris Matthews on Tuesday anchored live coverage of a cop killer on the run, making bizarre and offensive comments about the situation. Talking to Los Angeles Times journalist Andrew ...
Media Research Center

Joe Scarborough to Wash Post: 'I Don’t Expect to Be Cheering House Republicans Anytime Soon'

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent on Tuesday seemed shocked that Joe Scarborough, who he paints as the voice of moderation, agrees more with Democrats on deficit issues than Republicans. On the ...
Media Research Center

Stephanopoulos Spins: Obama's 'Words' Will Be About Jobs, But 'Emotion' Will Be on Gun Control

George Stephanopoulos allowed Barck Obama to have it both ways on Tuesday. The Good Morning America co-host explained what the State of the Union address would really be about. ...
Media Research Center

The Blackout Continues: CBS Evening News Again Ignores Obama Drone Strikes

For the second day in a row, the CBS Evening News on Wednesday avoided any coverage of a new memo revealing that the Obama administration asserts the power to legally strike terrorists, even if ...
Media Research Center

Yawn: CBS Evening News Skips Obama Memo on Drone Strikes Against U.S. Citizens

The CBS Evening News on Tuesday completely ignored the revelation, uncovered in a leaked government memo, that the Obama administration claims the power to legally strike al Qaeda terrorists, even ...
Media Research Center

2016 Begins? ABC Mocks: Chris Christie Should 'Lay Off the Doughnuts'

The journalists of Good Morning America offered, perhaps, a preview of 2016, highlighting Chris Christie's weight and what "could be a major campaign issue." After playing clips of the New Jersey ...
Media Research Center

What Prostitution Scandal? ABC's World News and GMA Skip Democratic Sex Scandal

ABC on Tuesday ignored the ongoing prostitution scandal of Robert Menendez. The network's morning and evening newscasts have skipped the news that federal agents raided the office of a Florida ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Charlie Rose Lobbies Republicans to Adopt 'Fundamental Change' of GOP

CBS co-anchor Charlie Rose on Tuesday lobbied Eric Cantor to adopt "fundamental changes" in the Republican Party and not just accept "tweaks." Rose and CBS This Morning co-host Norah O'Donnell ...
Media Research Center

As Andrew Cuomo's Poll Numbers 'Crumble,' Chris Matthews Frets: 'Is Anybody Safe from the NRA?'

An exasperated Chris Matthews on Sunday highlighted Governor Andrew Cuomo's plummeting poll numbers in the wake of New York's new gun control legislation. Singling out the National Rifle ...
Media Research Center

Disgraceful: Chris Matthews Smears John McCain as an 'Angry' Vietnam Vet Having a 'Flashback'

Liberal anchor Chris Matthews on Friday stooped to a new low, smearing John McCain as an "angry" Vietnam veteran who is having a "flashback." Resorting to the cheapest of stereotypes, the Hardball ...
Media Research Center

ABC Downplays and Ignores Chuck Hagel's 'Bruising' Confirmation Hearings

ABC on Thursday and Friday either downplayed or outright ignored the "bruising day" Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel endured in Washington. Friday's Good Morning America skipped the topic ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Has Compared His Opponents to Nazis, Whines About Too Much 'Hate' in Politics

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday assailed John McCain, slamming the "boiling hatred" aimed at Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's Defense Secretary nominee. Matthews sneered, "Hatred, pure and simple, ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Diane Sawyer Despairs Over a Nation 'Awash in Guns'

ABC's Diane Sawyer on Wednesday pushed the pro-gun control angle as she highlighted the debate in Congress over a "nation awash in guns." After World News reporter Jon Karl recapped the testimony ...
Media Research Center

CBS Shills for Democratic Senator Accused in Prostitute Scandal, Wonders If It's a 'Smear Campaign'

ABC on Wednesday and Thursday continued to ignore the developing prostitution scandal surrounding Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. NBC highlighted the story on the Today show. CBS covered the ...
Media Research Center

Cynthia McFadden Lectures Clinton on Running for President: Don't You Have an 'Obligation?

As if comparing Hillary Clinton to Thomas Jefferson wasn't hyperbolic enough, ABC's Cynthia McFadden on Wednesday practically begged the Secretary of State to run for president. The Nightline ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Cynthia McFadden Compares Hillary Clinton to Thomas Jefferson

Over three programs and two days, ABC devoted 15 minutes to a fawning profile of Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday's Nightline, Cynthia McFadden even compared the outgoing Secretary of State to Thomas ...
Media Research Center

Networks Silent as Obama Gives Up on Closing Guantanamo, Previously Praised President as Bold

Barack Obama's State Department on Monday announced that it will close the office dedicated to shutting down Guantanamo Bay. According to the New York Times, this means that the President "does ...