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Tim Graham
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Author Articles
Is Bush "Ripping the Heart" Out of People?
2/11/2005 1:00 AM ET
Budget Coverage Is Low on Big-Picture Numbers, High on Hyperbole About Government Beneficiaries
Morning Shows Give Short Shrift to CBS Hoax
1/11/2005 1:00 AM ET
Overnight, CBS's Dan Rather Fiasco Goes From Big Story to Minimal Story on ABC, NBC, and CNN
Moyers Ends With a Silly Whimper, Not a Bang
12/14/2004 1:00 AM ET
PBS Omnipresence Retires with Ridiculous Claim that There's No Liberal Bias, Only Conservative Bias
The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004
10/28/2004 12:34 PM ET
Late Hit Proves Media's Urge to Help Kerry
10/28/2004 12:00 AM ET
Al-Qaqaa Bombshells Prove Anti-Bush Media Can't Resist Trying to "Push Undecideds the Other Way"
ABC Asks Bush How He'll Lose, Leave Iraq
10/25/2004 12:00 AM ET
Charles Gibson Devoted Half of His Presidential Interview Emphasizing the Human Costs of the War
Bill Clinton Boom, George W. Bush Gloom
10/20/2004 12:00 AM ET
Economic Numbers in 1996 and 2004 Very Similar, But the Media Spin Depends on Who's President
Meet Bob Schieffer, CBS's Dan Rather Echo
10/12/2004 12:00 AM ET
Rathergate or No Rathergate, CBS's Face the Nation Host Has Given Brickbats for Bush, Kudos for Kerry
Will the "Uncommitted" Be Mostly Liberals?
10/8/2004 12:00 AM ET
Letting the Moderator Pick the Gallup Questioners Led to a Bigger Slant in Liberal Questioners in 2000
PBS's Gwen Ifill: No Moderate Moderator
10/4/2004 12:00 AM ET
Running-Mate Debate Host Has Likened Conservatives to Terrorists, Truck Bombers, and Assassins
Lehrer Favored Liberal Questions in 2000
9/29/2004 12:00 AM ET
Forget the Fuss About Debate Rules: Will Bush and Cheney Get a Fair Shake from Four Liberal Anchors?
Lining Up in Dan Rather's Valley of Forgery
9/23/2004 12:00 AM ET
Geraldo Feels Sorry for Rather, Helen Thomas Says He's "Magnificent," Diane Sawyer Finds "A Giant"
60 Minutes Has Pounded on Bush All Year
9/8/2004 12:00 AM ET
CBS Interview with Texas Democrat Only the Latest Salvo in an Undeniable Trend of Bush-Bashing
CBS Belittles Bush but Fawned Over Kerry
9/3/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 4: "Compassionate Conservatism" Mantra Rings Hollow to CBS Reporter
Decrying Miller's "Ugly" "Raw Meat" Speech
9/2/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 3: ABC's Stephanopoulos Hears Echoes of 1992 Houston Convention
Brokaw: Platform Doesn't Speak to Women
9/1/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 2: MSNBC Reporter Suggests "Compassion" = Supporting Gay Marriage
Reporters Shocked by Anti-Kerry Band-Aids
8/31/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 1: CNN's Aaron Brown Scolds GOP Speakers' Focus on National Security
TV: Take the Fair and Balanced Challenge
8/26/2004 12:00 AM ET
In Boston, Networks Avoided Labels, Social Issues, Anti-Kerry Vets, Quibbles on Facts or Policy Ideas
TV Focuses on Kerry's Spin, Not Kerry's History
8/23/2004 12:00 AM ET
ABC, CBS & NBC Morning Shows Have Failed to Interview A Member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
TV Networks Applaud John Kerry's Speech
7/30/2004 12:00 AM ET
Democratic Convention, Day 4: On ABC, CBS and NBC, No Liberal Labels For Kerry's Proposals
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