Tim Graham

Director of Media Analysis
Author Articles

Nagourney's Guiding Light Away from the Religious Right

It's not surprising that a prominent member of the Times "gay mafia" would use an unsuccessful McCain strategist to urge that "Same-Sex Marriage Holds Peril for GOP."

CNN Hails Zeleny's "Enchanted" Question: "Good Job, Jeff!"

John Roberts compared Zeleny's softball to hardballs thrown at Bush in 2004. Back then, the Times asked Bush if he had "personal responsibility" for the 9/11 attacks.

Hezbollah: Terrorists or 'Resilient Pragmatists'?

New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani described how Hezbollah can be paired with Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

One Hundred Atheists in South Carolina: Front-Page News?

Whenever the secular humanists gather in a Southern state, it's time to wake the neighbors.

Times Announces New "Conservative" Columnist, Underlines He's a Moderate

Ross Douthat (pictured) is the new young face of conservatism at the Times. But how conservative is he?

NYT Reporter Jokes About How Bush Team Resembled Drunken Bar Bullies

An exchange from The Daily Show: Host Jon STEWART: "Didn't many around him want to go confront everybody? I mean, literally it felt like these are just like a bunch of drunken frat... it reminds ...

NYT Styles Michelle Obama As "U.S. Fashion's One-Woman Bailout"

Can Michelle Obama single-handedly bail out the U.S. fashion industry? We can only hope.

Newsweek Trashes American Idol as Too Much Like George Bush

When did it become wrong to think America is special?

David Gregory, "Custodian" of NBC's Biases

NBC Replaces Brokaw on Meet the Press With Reporter Known for Bashing Bush, Defending Clintons.

NBC Replaces Brokaw on Meet the Press With Reporter Known for Bashing Bush, Defending Clintons

NBC Replaces Brokaw on Meet the Press With Reporter Known for Bashing Bush, Defending Clintons

NPR's Pagan Reporter Just Happens to Find Atheist Protester of Prayer Art Project

Featured artist says prayer is a scary reality but no one questions tax-payer funded public radio mocking the faith of millions.

CNN Founder Ted Turner Touts Population Control and Detente

Appearing on PBS, the liberal media magnate advocates population control as the right thing to do.

Bob Schieffer Tilted Left Against Bush in 2004

CBS Host Trashes Palin As a "Down and Dirty...Attack Dog," Then Expects to Be Seen as Fair Moderator .

Gwen Ifill Is Pro-Obama and Anti-Palin

Even Before Her Obama Book, PBS Anchor Demonstrated Liberal Tilt at 2004 Vice-Presidential Debate

Jim Lehrer: Not a "Bias-Free" Moderator

PBS Anchor Asked John Kerry Several Helpful Softball Questions in 2004 Foreign Policy Debate

Newsweek on Palin: A 'Pet Pony' and 'Rapture-Ready Extremist'

Once again Newsweek gives multiple pages to an atheist's rant.

Profane Palin Hate, Unfit for Publication? WaPo 'Washes In Most Happily'

Please remember episodes like this when the Left (and its subset, The Washington Post) stands up and says that hate speech from the right is a terrible problem.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Compares Obama to Virgin Mary - Times Doesn't Blink

Times reporter Andy Newman calmly passed along that Obama's preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright was taking instructions from Jesus himself.
Media Research Center

Editing Reverend Wright's Wrongs

How the Networks Censored and Manipulated Jeremiah Wright Soundbites and Glorified Barack Obama's Race Speech