It's bad enough that the new design of Newsweek came with blatant cover-story campaigning for Joe Biden. Then in the next edition, when it was time for Letters to the Editor, Newsweek reported ...
Democrats inside and outside the Obama White House have declared a Public Enemy Number One, and it isn’t some vague concept like Poverty or Terrorism or Cancer. It’s a radio talk show host named ...
Hard-left "anti-war" protesters topped the front of The Washington Post on Wednesday and drew most of an inside page. It wasn't until paragraph 25 that the Post admitted they only counted 176 ...
On Wednesday, NPR "senior news analyst" Daniel Schorr insisted nationalized health care "would save many lives," and all those rumbles from the right about providing taxpayer-subsidized abortions ...
NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard reported NPR offered 53 stories on Ted Kennedy's death in the first five days. "But on that first day, in the 23 on-air stories, only one mentioned the name Mary Jo ...
Former CBS anchor Dan Rather will speak at a $200-a-person fundraising event for the hard-left Nation magazine in New York on September 23. The Nation's website advertises: "Meet Dan Rather, Jane ...
Writing at the Huffington Post, Discover magazine deputy web editor Melissa Lafsky, who formerly worked on the New York Times's Freakonomics blog, wondered about the drowned Mary Jo Kopechne's ...
MSNBC host Chris Matthews appeared three times on Wednesday's Today show to lionize Sen. Ted Kennedy, and twice he promoted Barack Obama as the "last brother" of the Kennedy political dynasty. He ...
On Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC matched Joe Scarborough on the right with PBS talk-show host Tavis Smiley on the left. Smiley declared President Obama was too moderate, and the town hall meetings ...
In a one-sided news story, Times London reporter Sarah Lyall laments conservative "distortion" of Britain's National Health Service, after editorializing in favor of the NHS: "I applaud a system ...
A blogging freelancer recalls his shock at a Photoshopped picture of Katie Couric delivering the news bottomless. How did the museum beat writers miss that?
PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers unleashed his anger at Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk radio hosts on Friday night's Bill Moyers Journal, suggesting they "scream like martyrs being ...
The Washington Post's Style section conducted a survey of who could fill the most-trusted void left behind by Walter Cronkite. A series of liberal-media heroes were named, but several people just ...
Columnist Paul Krugman on The Colbert Report: "[People in the White House] understand what the problems of the economy are. You know, as I say, they're not stupid, they're not crazy, which is a ...
The suddenly ubiquitous Times editor sits down with Time magazine and gets a few hardballs from readers, including this one: "The Times had no problem leaking state secrets, claiming the truth ...
In January, NBC News ignored the thousands of pro-lifers who came to Washington for the annual March for Life. But Brian Williams hailed 12 hard-left Greenpeace activists illegally hanging a ...
Washington Post associated editor Robert Kaiser reviewed a new book by ultraliberal Rep. Henry Waxman, lauding the legislator as comparable to baseball star Ted Williams and biblical hero King ...