In funding filmmakers to go out and make one-sided left-wing films, Public Broadcasting subsidies serve, in effect, as ideological pork-barrel spending.
The bias is clear: NBC's Today show led with Republican Sen. Larry Craig six times in seven days, but mentioned Democratic Rep. William Jefferson's bribery scandal only once.
Media reporter Jacques Steinberg let CBS reporter Rita Braver get away with an untrue statement: that she has "stayed away" from Clinton interviews after her husband's legal work for the Clintons ...
TIME promotes the views of an Italian doctor who did what the magazine condemned Senator Bill Frist for doing: diagnosing a patient from video footage.
Times Watch director Clay Waters appeared on Fox & Friends Friday morning to discuss the New York Times offering cut-rate ad space to to bash General Petraeus as a betrayer of his country.
New ads pushing government-mandated "access" are not presented as liberal or socialist, but as a sensibly pragmatic solution to reducing the cancer death rate
In denial: The paper's executive editor admitted some Times stories occasionally show "liberal assumptions," but thought "those instances are relatively rare, and I fight to filter them out and ...
Times correspondent Anthony DePalma granted points to Cuba for "universal" health care, but found a lot to question in Michael Moore's thick praise of the Cuban health system in his film "Sicko."
Times art critic Holland Cotter disparaged the Whitney Museum's new "Summer of Love" exhibit for racism, sexism, and commercialism. He only could applaud the anti-Americanism.
At a Council on Foreign Relations event, Times reporter Julia Preston described a strange anger in the land against immigration, because "Americans don't understand it."
In 2007, the Times used its poll to push for passage of an immigration "reform" bill. But in 2001, its poll stories tried to explain away public support for Bush's tax cuts.
The Times investigated Hillary's service on the Wal-Mart board, but first thought of it as an "antidote to Republican efforts" to define her as a liberal...and then they touted where she was one.