CNN daytime anchor Don Lemon asserted on Sunday's Reliable Sources that claims that the media are overcovering Michael Jackson are "elitist." He twice saluted Jackson as an "accidental civil ...
Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Thursday on black females on the Michelle Obama beat, and whether their shared race and gender produces gauzier coverage. "Indeed, most write ...
The Washington Post and New York Times published similar Supreme Court "analysis" pieces on their front pages Wednesday offering the theme that the court under Chief Justice John Roberts is moving ...
CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl interviewed CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour for the website The Women on the Web, and the oddest part came when Amanpour insisted "nobody knows my ...
As the Obama administration works to end discrimation against transgendered federal employees, their advocates aren't liberals, but opponents are quickly labeled "conservative."
President Obama has named two NBC News veterans to the selection panel for the White House Fellows program, which will select new Fellows in the coming week: "Tom Brokaw, now a special ...
In this week's Newsweek, Evan Thomas confessed to being nailed by MRC and other media critics for comparing Obama to God on MSNBC ' or so it seemed, he wrote: "I compared President Obama with God. ...
On Friday, June 12, the PBS program Now (formerly hosted by Bill Moyers) devoted most of its half-hour to the complaints of late-term abortionists Warren Hern and LeRoy Carhart smearing the ...
In his latest column for the magazine, Newsweek senior Washington correspondent Howard Fineman scolded "disgraded or discarded" Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich, whose "ruthless" caricaturing ...
Conservative talk-show hosts and bloggers have been hammering away at the gooey NBC News Inside the White House specials with Brian Williams adoring Obama. But Williams also drew fire from the ...
In a gooey article titled "Tickle Me Obama," Time magazine's Nancy Gibbs giddily associates educational programming and Barack Obama as very similar concepts: "It's not just his age and mastery of ...
Politico's Roger Simon complained about the White House backpedaling on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's declaration that a "wise Latina woman" makes better decisions than a white male: "We ...
The Washington Post front page for May 27 announces the Sonia Sotomayor nomination with this large headline: "First Latina Picked for Supreme Court; GOP Faces Delicate Task in Opposition." There's ...
Time magazine is not wild about capitalism. In a "business roundtable" on the "future of capitalism," Time assembled several liberals to decry the idea: PBS host Tavis Smiley, blog founder Arianna ...
Everything from serious (Chrysler closing dealerships, Afghan airstrikes) to silly (ranting advertisements, frozen pot pies) beat Nancy Pelosi's press conference on her knowledge of waterboarding ...
Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."
The Times played down liberal dissent on his sudden reversal on the release of "detainee abuse" photos, but they published a whole story on liberal Democrats developing an "unease" for Obama's wars.
It's easy to denounce the Vatican's poor public-relations efforts when you're unwilling to quote the Pope in your story, but you're eager to let people accuse him of being an "enthusiastic Nazi."