CNN Suggests Cain 'Sissy Pizza' Comment Means He's Hostile to Women

On Monday's The Situation Room, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked a female guest if she had a "problem" with Herman Cain's comment about a "manly" man not eating pizza loaded with vegetables.
Cain made the remark in an interview with GQ magazine - a men's magazine - where he was asked specifically "What can you tell about a man by the type of pizza that he likes?" Cain then answered what pizza he thought a "manly man" would like – not what a woman should or shouldn't like.
"A manly man don't want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza," Cain told GQ during a lighthearted part of an interview over pizza.
Blitzer, however, saw it fit to ask his female guest and Democratic strategist Donna Brazille if she had a "problem with that." Brazille tied Cain's remark to his "women's problem" she said he has.
[Video below. Click here for audio.]
"Well, you know, Herman Cain clearly has a, quote-unquote, 'women's problem.' He doesn't know how to address women, he doesn't know how to respect women. And now he's making this comment about, you know, bring on more toppings," she said, expressing her disapproval.
A transcript of the segment, which aired on November 14 at 4:48 p.m. EST:
WOLF BLITZER: Well let me just read to you a very – some quotes from Herman Cain, who's dropped significantly in our new poll, in a new interview in GQ magazine. He said this, the former Godfather's Pizza CEO:
"The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is. A manly man don't want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza."
You got a problem with that, Donna?
DONNA BRAZILLE, Democratic strategist: Well, you know, Herman Cain clearly has a, quote-unquote, "women's problem." He doesn't know how to address women, he doesn't know how to respect women. And now he's making this comment about, you know, bring on more toppings. The truth of the matter is that Herman Cain – his math doesn't add up, he's 9-9-9 doesn't add up, and now these allegations clearly have left Herman Cain with a huge credibility problem.
- Matt Hadro is a News Analyst at the Media Research Center