Limbaugh Wedding Vicodin, Reagan Only 'Acted' Like a President, Maher Defends Palin But Yearns for More Gore

I watch HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher so you don't have to. The
most-noteworthy vitriol from Friday night's show that I tweeted last night
- seven quotes, in sequence, you can read in less than a minute:
♦ Bill Maher opening monologue joke about Rush Limbaugh's wedding: "They say, instead of throwing rice, throw Vicodin."
♦ Maher, interviewing Paul Begala, channeling Obama's reaction to those who say he hasn't shown enough anger over the oil spill: "You retards...people who are not that have been used to people like Bush and Reagan who act like the President."
♦ During the panel, Maher actually came to Sarah Palin's defense, though he found it distasteful, as he scolded author Joe McGinniss: "He's stalking her....That someone can get me to defend Sarah Palin bothers me to no end," but "I think it's just creepy to move next door."
♦ Panelist Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic applauded McGinniss: He's just trying "to find out who this farce and phony actually is." That earned loud applause from the Los Angeles audience.
♦ Maher on Palin's appeal to Republican men: "A lot of people think she's a MILF...I think that's the secret to Sarah Palin. They want to f**k her."
♦ More Sullivan, on former President Bush boasting that he authorized water-boarding of KSM: Bush "has publicly confessed to a war crime....What gets the glibness....Someone who thinks torturing someone is a 'no-brainer' is a monster."
♦ Maher, setting up his "New Rules" segment on the dangers of global warming and denigrating "deniers" of the threat: "Al Gore must come out with a sequel to his movie about climate change and call it 'An Inconvenient Truth II: What the F**k is Wrong with You People?'"
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.