Business Articles

Blackouts: New Energy Conservation Program?

Despite media and left-wing opposition, we have to expand energy supply in U.S.

'Evening News' Attacks Privatization of Medicare

CBS report says Medicare Advantage program causes 'untold confusion' and mentions seniors 'scared to death.'

Iraq War too Costly to CNN

Network renames show to 'Your $$$$$,' but keeps the same old liberal talking points.

Moore Continues Publicity-Seeking Jihad against CNN

Apology-obsessed filmmaker repeats the same tired demands of CNN, insisting he has been defamed.

MSNBC's Olbermann Gives Thanks to Michael Moore

Filmmaker and host praise one another, Moore attacks insurance companies and profits.

Record Dow Downplayed After Largest Gain in Nearly 4 Years

Network newscasts put emphasis on threats from home loan foreclosures, '$4 gas' prices.

CBS Attacks Banks for Profiting from Overdraft Fees

'Evening News' accuses industry of 'cashing in' and downplays personal responsibility.

'World News' Ga-Ga Over Penguin Protection

ABC supports effort of eco-extremists to add penguins to endangered list, to stop global warming.

CBS: Recycling Might Be a Deadly Problem

Increased transport of scrap materials causing '25,000 accidents a year.'

USA Today Promotes Stricter Food Labeling

Newspaper cites radical food groups, but downplays cost and trade implications.

Journalists Contribute to Power Gridlock

Media now worry whether there's enough energy to keep cool, but they've opposed nuclear, coal and more.

CNN's Gupta Battles Moore about 'SiCKO' Stats

Medical expert: Moore 'cherry picked' 'SiCKO' data. Filmmaker complains, though both are Democratic donors.

Book Review: Web Site Founder Offers Media Criticism with an Attitude

Drew Curtis shows Fark has more than one meaning - it's a Web site and a book.

FARK Founder Lists Top Five Problems with the Media

In Q&A, Curtis tells about stupid journalism tricks. Oh, and, how the French 'still suck.'

'World News' Hits the (Water) Bottle Again

For the second night, ABC targets the bottled water industry's impact on the environment.

Moore Blitzes Blitzer, Demands Apology from CNN

Filmmaker attacks network for corporate funding, and 'fudging' facts on the 'Situation Room.'

Environmentalist Kennedy Name-Calls During 'Live Earth'

Skeptical politicians called 'traitors' and 'indentured servants.'

Gore Can't Even Recite His Global Warming Pledge Accurately

Former vice president's media barrage misstates which nations would pay the price for his plans.

Critics Ramp up Murdoch Attacks as Dow Jones Sale Alleged

Media mogul considered not capable of maintaining the Wall Street Journal as 'independent' and 'high-quality.'

Vieira Relentlessly Presses Gore about Presidency

NBC 'Today' anchor urges former VP to run in segment promoting 'Live Earth' concerts.

NY Times Lauds Earning Green for Being Green

'Sustainability' officers earn praise as radical green agenda is downplayed by newspaper.

BusinessWeek Praises French Health Care System

Magazine reports that U.S. could learn 'valuable lessons' from France, glosses over high taxes and other flaws.

Major Media Ignore Bush's Veto Threat over Tax Bill

The planned tax hike carries a billion dollar bill according to Bloomberg.

Newsweek Quiz: What Isn't Causing Global Warming?

Relying on the IPCC report and one-sided experts, the magazine lets the Sun off the hook for climate change.

NBC Fears for Bald Eagle Despite Population Increase

'Nightly News' cites expert who worries that 'new DDT' of urban sprawl will wipe out eagles.

Got Milk? Gas Prices Drop, So ABC Has Some Dairy

With little mention of a 24-cent drop in gasoline prices, 'World News' milks a new consumer gripe.

CBS: NFL 'Putting Profits Ahead of Players'

Report blames player ailments on league neglect without examining circumstances surrounding some complaints.