
Beyond Bunnies and Jelly Bellies: USA Today Explores True Meaning of Easter

Article challenges popular definition of sin and allows Christians to cite the correct definition.

ABC's Raddatz Recoils from True Political Leadership

Reporter is appalled that Cheney refuses to base Iraq strategy on public opinion polls, as network coverage of the war's fifth anniversary emphasizes costs, ignores benefits.

Scoring Points by Demonizing Falwell

Unlike Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jerry Falwell was no hater.

Obama Can Run, but He Can't Hide Without Media Help – and They're Helping

The networks gloss over the candidate's failure, in a crucial speech, to explain why he remained in a church that preaches hatred of America.

Obama's Church of Slurs

Barack Obama looks phony either way. Either he missed all of these sermons or he sincerely thinks that hateful, race-baiting, America-bashing sermons are part of a pleasant Sunday worship ...

Keeping 'Pigs' Out of Your Parlor

The Supreme Court will rule on fleeting expletives and broadcast indecency.

Here They Go A-Whoring: Media Pander Prostitutes, Pimps

ABC's World News is the first to go beyond titillation stories to report painful facts about the sex trade.

Couric Shocked, Shocked! That 50% of Teen Girls Are Sexually Active, and 25% Have STDs

An expert interviewed by CBS misses the link between 'comprehensive' sex ed and runaway rates of HPV.

Thanks, Kristen

The girl behind the Spitzer scandal deserves some media attention too.

Reporting the Spitzer Scandal: The Good, the Bad and the Outrageous

Jeff Greenfield tells it like it is; Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says sweep it under the rug.
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