
Morning Media's Valentines to Vulgarity

Jane Fonda drops the C-bomb on NBC's Today Show, and ABC's The View trots out bare-chested Chippendales and condoms.

Liar, Liar, Who's the Liar?

Baseball great Roger Clemens and his former trainer testify before Congress. While the media and America wonder which one lied, the real issue is what the scandal says about our culture.

CNN Headline News Backs Transgenderism – For an 8-Year-Old

Prime News host Richelle Carey's piece was so biased, the TransYouth Family Advocates are using it to raise money.

Washington Post Sends Big Valentine to Multi-Partner 'Relationships'

Polyamory. It's not about sex, it's about loving yourself. Really? It may also be about redefining marriage.

Obama, Thomas and Liberal Bias

The media paint the Supreme Court Justice's autobiography as angry, but ignore the rage in the presidential candidate's autobiography.

Character, Personified

Marine Sean Stokes exemplified courage, patriotism and selflessness in winning the Silver Star in Iraq.

CosmoGirl's Pot Calls the Kettle Black

The teen-oriented glossy takes a shot at Hollywood and Madison Avenue for pushing sex on young girls. Have they read their own magazine?

How the Media Stir the Brew of Identity Group Politics

By focusing on race, class and gender voting, journalists are driving us apart, not bringing us together.

Media Stack the Deck for McCain and Obama on Culture Issues

Journalists give their favorite candidates a pass when they play race, religion or gender cards, but jump on the rest.

ABC Casts Stones at Evangelical Financial Advisers

Anchor Dan Harris challenges the 'quality' of advice proffered by counselors who apply Biblical principles to money, mortgages and credit cards.
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