
Clueless in Obama Nation

On Sunday, at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, Sen. Obama promoted homosexual legal civil unions in answer to a question posed by a pastor, and then threw out this challenge: If people find ...

The Sunday Washington Post on Satanic Rock: 'Two Horns Up!'

This underlines how low the Post will go for Internet traffic numbers.

Network Jailbreak

NBC, ABC and CBS loose their America-bashing impulse in stories on the U.S. incarceration rate.

ABC Addresses 'Moral Hazard' of Government Bailouts

Taxpayer-funded rescues for people facing foreclosure could encourage even greater financial risk-taking.

NBC Focuses on Quality Family Time

Today Show highlights low-cost, low-tech ways for families to spend time together.

GMA: Is Victoria's Secret Too Sexy?

ABC un-coverage crams dozens of semi-dressed models and naked body parts into two minutes of morning television news.

Bill Buckley Made It Okay to Be a Conservative

I was a conservative as a kid, but fell under the sway of liberal profs and the New Age culture. But Buckley was a key force in pulling me back to reality.

Religion in America and on the Network News

It's always interesting to see how different news organizations report the exact same information.

It's Sweeps Week -- ABC News to Focus on Sex Tonight

For 20/20 it's infidelity, for Nightline it's the merits of porn.

CBS Evening News Acknowledges that Premature Babies Feel Pain

The network leaves one question unanswered: why do some physicians still say infants don't feel pain?
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