
'Aspirational TV?' Or More Cable Voyeurism?

Bravo introduces Real Housewives of New York City.

FCC Complaint Filed Against NBC's Las Vegas

Show aired one day after Jane Fonda dropped the c-word on NBC's Today.

Washington Post Sends Big Valentine to Multi-Partner 'Relationships'

Polyamory. It's not about sex, it's about loving yourself. Really? It may also be about redefining marriage.

Turning Fool's Gold Into the Real Thing

Despite his short-term pledge of support, soon-to-be father McConaughey is telegraphing the message that he might or might not be around for the long haul.

It's a Wrap! Hollywood Writers to Vote on Ending Strike Today

So much for the culture's reprieve from the nightly assault on traditional values delivered by fresh-off-the-keyboard television shows.

CBS and Devilish Dexter

Dexter finds killing and dismembering human beings to be intoxicating. CBS thinks we, too, should be fascinated and intoxicated by that.

Super Bowl Ads Score with More Laughs but a Few Yecchs

This year's broadcast toned down the sexy ads, pumped up the humor and connected for a touchdown with the Declaration of Independence.

ABC Shock: Diane Keaton Drops F-Bomb on Good Morning America

If the networks would use a tape delay, they could catch those celebrity expletives.

Sex on a Plane: MTV Runs Ad Showering Airline Passengers with Condoms

San Francisco Planned Parenthood chapter uses gay character to pitch the pill, the patch and latex.

Tila Success Inspires More Trash TV

Second 'Shot at Love,' plus a new spin-off, a transgender dating show, and an attempt by Cher to capitalize on daughter's lesbianism are in the works.
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