
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: Using ‘Women’ in Abortion Language ‘Excludes Trans Men’

Really. Someone said that. On TV.
Media Research Center

WaPo: A Woman won the 1976 Men’s Decathlon

Post article advocates for full memory scrub for Jenner.
Media Research Center

Lefty HuffPo: ‘Serious People’ Agree Major Obamacare Hikes Possible

Insurers reportedly push for higher premiums as young, healthy individuals fail to enroll.
Media Research Center

Neil Young’s New Song Attacks Starbucks for GMO Use

Environmental artist perpetuates false information with upcoming album.
Media Research Center

Nets Slam Salt, Ignore Contrary Views in More Than 93 Percent of Stories

‘Growing chorus’ of scientists say salt in diet is beneficial, contrary to federal guidelines.
Media Research Center

Taxpayer-Funded PBS Pushes Teaching Sex-Ed to 4-Year-Olds

PBS finds something else those enlightened Europeans can teach us.
Media Research Center

Two Gender Bending Reality Shows to Air this Summer

Shows say more about atrocious parenting than gender identity.
Media Research Center

HuffPo’s ‘Cliteracy’ Project: Praising the Clitoris and Little Girl Masturbation

HuffPo makes the clitorus at priority. Really.
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Censor Study Showing Babies Viable at 22 Weeks

NYT front-page-worthy story ‘could affect the abortion debate.’
Media Research Center

“Last Week Tonight” Dissects Dr. Oz Claims

John Oliver is the first to address major flaws in the latest Dr. Oz Show.
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