
Media Research Center

Salon Writer Blasts U.S. Military Spending, Blames Ebola on ‘Greed’

America ‘set the stage’ for Ebola outbreak with its ‘death-oriented spending priorities,’ Robert Hennelly claims.
Media Research Center

Blame Game: Media Ignore Acting Surgeon General to Blame NRA, Conservatives for Ebola

Conservative senators faulted for blocking Obama’s anti-gun activist nominee for nation’s doctor. 
Media Research Center

WaPo Columnist: ‘Sex Only for Rich People’ in America

Progressive feminists don’t fall far from the eugenics tree.
Media Research Center

NBC Reporter: Wasteful NIH Studies Still Worthwhile

Journalist defends $3.2 million study on drunken monkeys
Media Research Center

Hey Journalists! 15 Ways NIH And CDC Wasted Taxpayer Money

Media complicit as agencies demand bigger budgets despite billions squandere.
Media Research Center

Trust Me...

Media Research Center

Pro-life Leaders Prefer Civil Disobedience to Obamacare’s ‘Blood Money’

Live Action hosts a news conference at Planned Parenthood.
Media Research Center

Laurie David: Girl Scouts Partnering with Nestle for Drink is ‘Immoral’

Liberal environmental movie maker ‘Fed Up’ with Girl Scouts’ relationship with food company.
Media Research Center

Washington Post Wonkblog Clarifies Outrageous Alcohol Stat

Original article claims heaviest drinkers in U.S. consume more than 10 drinks per day. 
Media Research Center

Obamacare Poised to Cause Insurance Cancellations, Networks Silent

250,000 policies to be cancelled in Virginia alone, despite president’s promise that ‘If you like’ it, ‘you can keep it.’
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