
Media Research Center

Physicians Fighting to Remove Dr. Oz From Columbia

Popular TV doctor accused of an ‘egregious lack of integrity,’ and hawking ‘quack treatments.’
Media Research Center

CBS This Morning Highlights California Legislator ‘Under Personal Attack’ for Vaccine Bill

Anti-vaxxers condemn bill as they cling to fears once promoted by the network news media.
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Abortion a ‘Basic Core Skill’ for Med Students

Host wants med students to learn abortion.
Media Research Center

Obamacare Penalty Starts Hitting Taxpayers, Nets Ignore in 91% of Stories

Millions of Americans could face tax penalties, but could be surprised since broadcast media barely mentioned it. 
Media Research Center

Slate’s Marcotte Finds Free Birth Control Bill ‘Condescending’

Apparently, free contraceptives should also come with a pat on the head.
Media Research Center

Liam Neeson: Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun Control?

First Neeson shoot-em-up to open after his call for gun control tanks at box office.
Media Research Center

And That’s the Way It Was: In 1972, Cronkite Warned of ‘New Ice Age’

‘Legendary journalist’ and CBS news anchor shared ‘bad news’ about cold during ‘70s cooling scare.
Media Research Center

'Sharknado 3' to Star Ann Coulter as Vice President

Mark Cuban, Ann Coulter will run the ‘Sharknado 3’ government.
Media Research Center

Obamacare Created or Hiked 13 Taxes, Networks Ignore Them in 87 Percent of Stories

Broadcast news networks promote idea Obama wants to help middle class rather than expose costly health care law.
Media Research Center

Shhhhh! Study Shows Kids of Same-Sex Parents Have More Emotional Problems

Media played up earlier flawed buy positive study; ignore better one with negative results.
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