
Media Research Center

Remember, ‘Weather isn’t Climate’ Unless it Proves Warming

Extreme weather tells us nothing about climate change, unless the media says so.
Media Research Center

Shoulda Stuck with Big Bird

Media Research Center

Krugman: ‘GOP Policies Much More Likely to Make Us End up like Greece’

Left-wing economist claims a Romney presidency would cause a double-dip recession.  
Media Research Center

USA Today Surprised Chick-Fil-A Didn’t Suffer from ‘PR Nightmare’

PR execs confounded by chain’s success after ‘disaster.’
Media Research Center

The Real Bailout: GM’s Alive, But Many Small Businesses Aren’t

Vice President Tamara Darvish writes ‘Outraged’ and speaks out
Media Research Center

Journalist Union Pushes ‘Social Justice Journalism’ to College Students

Program pushes labor unions and strikes, and prepares a new generation of reporter activists.  
Media Research Center

WaPo Contributor Complains Media Haven’t Discussed Mormonism

In spirit of ‘dialogue,’ poses ridiculous questions to Romney about his faith
Media Research Center

Obama Welcomes Jay-Z Support, Violent, Misogynistic Lyrics and All

Whatever else his electoral troubles, president Obama seems to have the all-important hip-hop star demographic sewn up. Rapper Jay-Z recently released an ad which detailed his love for ...
Media Research Center

Lies My Textbooks Told Me: Cuban Missiles and Kennedy’s Resolve

Five out of six American history textbooks ignore Kennedy’s secret compromise with Soviets during Cuban Missile Crisis.  
Media Research Center

CBS's Crawford Exposes Obama's Deception on Benghazi Attack

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford devoted a full story to President Obama's deceptive claim that he called the Benghazi attack an "act of terror" early on, as she ...
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