
Media Research Center

Chick-fil-A, Media Magic and 68 Days That Didn’t Shake the World

The left tried to pull a fast one on marriage.
Media Research Center

Media Leave Liberal Soros’s Politics Aside in News of Manchester United Buy

Left-wing billionaire George Soros acquires minority share of popular English soccer team, but his politics goes unmentioned.
Media Research Center

Pop Has-Beens Attack Romney for 30-yr-old Dog Incident

1980s Novelty band Devo to release a song for Seamus.
Media Research Center

CBS Evening News Mentions Anti-Romney Cancer Ad, Fails to ID Producer as Obama Super PAC

Wednesday's CBS Evening News finally mentioned the controversial ad -- produced by an Obama super PAC -- which blames Mitt Romney for former steel worker Joe Soptic's wife dying of cancer, as ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Attacks Family Research Council as ‘Hate Group’ Even After Shooting

Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.”
Media Research Center

CBS Uniquely Notes Racial Tinge of Biden's 'Chains' Gaffe

As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Tuesday gave attention to Vice President Joseph Biden asserting that Mitt Romney, by "unchaining" Wall Street would effectively "put y'all back in ...
Media Research Center

Game of Thrones Author Preaches to the Liberal Choir, Offensively

George R.R. Martin accused ‘Tea-Baggers’ of trying to steal the election with voter ID laws.
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