CMI on TV Blog Post

Media Research Center

Big Bang-ing Hypocrite

Mrs. Cooper's sexual hypocrisy is actually a good portrayal of Christians.
Media Research Center

Modern Family: Do You, Boo

Modern Family encourages the rampant individualistic, no-body is wrong culture.
Media Research Center

SHIELD: Men Are Pigs

Man-hating. It's all the rage.
Media Research Center

‘Cosmos’ Features Cartoonish Churchmen as Cartoon Villains

This inquisition is entirely expectable.
Media Research Center

Boy, Revenge Escalated Quickly

Revenge goes from 0-60 in no time flat.
Media Research Center

Once Upon a Time In Wonderland: Jafar's Daddy Issues

Jafar and his father's relationship are examined.
Media Research Center

Rake's Hairy-chested Hate

A sarcastic take on Rake's portrayal of hairy-chested men.
Media Research Center

Enlisted Love-Interests: Hippos and Oxpeckers

Quick, witty banter provides plenty of laughs while developing the relationships of the shows primary characters.
Media Research Center

Marvel's Hollow Agents of SHIELD

Ethical questions are raised on Marvel's SHIELD.
Media Research Center

Silver Linings

The Blacklist ruins my posting plans, but gives viewers some silver linings.
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