Culture Articles

Media Research Center

Disgusted’ Paglia: Media ‘Shockingly Unprofessional’ for Planned Parenthood ‘Censorship’

The ‘former member’ of Planned Parenthood eloquently attacks the liberal media.
Media Research Center

Nets Spend More Time on Cecil the Lion in 1 Day Than Abortion Vids in 2 Weeks

Nets censor third abortion video; give 14 minutes to Cecil the Lion.
Media Research Center

Upset About Cecil: Piers Morgan Calls for “Big Human Hunting”

The Journalist will gladly use a bow and arrow to kill Cecil’s hunter.
Media Research Center

Ted Cruz Slams ‘Passionately Pro-Abortion Media’ for ‘Hiding’ Videos

 Sen. Cruz urges Americans to “simply watch these videos.”
Media Research Center

Boy Scouts Allow Gay Leaders; Slate Cheers ‘Huge Step Forward’

Policy still allows religious sponsors of local troops to appoint leaders who align with principles.

DHS: Don’t Call ISIS ‘Islamic’: We Won’t Associate Terrorism with Islam

Politically correct pandering at its most absurd.
Media Research Center

New VIDEO: Worker Describes ‘Picking’ Apart Baby with Tweezers at Planned Parenthood

Graphic detail leaves no doubt about abortion mill's procedures.
Media Research Center

Journalist Laments: We ‘Won’t Be Forcing the Faithful into Straightjackets Any Time Soon’

He’s disappointed that an APA study on religion and mental illness is a hoax.
Media Research Center

ABC Pushes Polyamory

Marriage ‘equality’ for same-sex couples? That’s so yesterday.
Media Research Center

Maddow Slams Jeb Bush for Visiting a ‘Fake Abortion Clinic’

Crisis pregnancy centers are ‘fake abortion clinics.’
Media Research Center

Jimmy Carter: ‘Fortunately, There Was No Fox News When I Was President’

Jesus would support same-sex marriage and some abortion, but maybe not Fox News?
Media Research Center

HuffPost: LGBTQ Sex-Ed “Vital to Healthy Behavior by Youth”

Just not enough gay propaganda in schools.
Media Research Center

87 Percent of Islamic Terror Stories Skip Threats of Ramadan Violence

ISIS and other groups called for increased violence against ‘infidels’ during Muslim holy month.
Media Research Center

Oh Be Gone, Garrison! Five Keillor Quotes to Make You Glad He’s Retiring

Thankfully, the nasty lefty radio host will soon leave the airwaves.
Media Research Center

A ‘Weak’ of Coverage: Networks Covered Komen 3X More than Abortion Videos

ABC, CBS, NBC show their true colors in PPFA coverage.
The Fosters

'The Fosters' Preaches on Sin

Media Research Center

Brit Hume Slams ‘Stomach-Turning’ Abortion Industry’s ‘Veil of Antiseptic Tidiness’

Political analyst hopes one day Americans will regret legalizing abortion.
Becoming Us

'Becoming Us:' 'Carly' as 'Dad'

Media Research Center

‘Lone Survivor’ Marcus Luttrell, Marines Angered by PC Anti-Gun Policies Surrounding Chattanooga

 They aren’t happy about the events in Chattanooga.
Media Research Center

News Anchor Slams Obama for ‘Be-Friendly-to-Jihadis’ Mentality

 ... and hits a nerve among Americans.
Media Research Center

In NY Times, Law Prof on Polygamy: ‘Is There Any Magic Power in the Number Two?'

‘The real force of the polygamy question is a lesson in humility.’
Media Research Center

MTV Bullies Kids, Makes Them Cry To Raise Awareness For ‘White Privilege’

 New documentary celebrates bullying children to promote an agenda.
Media Research Center

Abortionist: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Nucatola Like ‘Jesus Before Crucifixion’

 Dr. Willie Parker applauds friend and colleague Dr. Nucatola.
Media Research Center

NY Mag Writer Liberates Wife from ‘Patriarchal Oppression’ of Monogamy

Open marriage is a ‘mature, responsible way to address our needs.’