Culture Articles

Media Darling Univision Anchor Brings Pro-Illegal Immigration Bias to Latino Households

Jorge Ramos advocates amnesty for illegals, open borders, other liberal positions, via popular nightly newscast

Newsweek Promotes Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill

Op-ed advocates giving teens parent-free access to contraception by removing prescription wall

GMA Panelist: 'No Spanking, Never'

ABC report highlights anti-spanking position, downplays pro-discipline position

Washington Post: Independence Day an Atheist Holiday

Front-page feature focuses on 'deity-free celebration,' presents one-sided picture of non-believers.

'Dying House' to Open in Oregon, ABC Worries About 'Taste'

Network more concerned with tackiness of business than assisted suicide itself.

USA Today Touts Atheist Summer Camp

Meredith Heagney highlights one-sided article about atheist summer camp that allows 'poking fun at faith.'

CNN Blogger: NYC Students Should be Required to Miss School for Muslim Holidays

Muslim special pleading demands a mosque at Ground Zero and Islamic holidays for the city's school kids.

CMI Commentary: WaPo Needs a 'Conservative Beat' Reporter Not a 'Beat Conservatives' Reporter

Reading a single daily issue proves that someone needs to explain the right to the paper.

AP Equates Illegal Immigrants to Civil Rights-Era Minorities

Report praises segregration-era protest tactics, offers no counterpoint

American Atheist Editor: Christian Daycare is 'Child Abuse'

Professional non-believer calls religious training 'forced ignorance.'

Olbermann: Palin a 'Phony,' 'Idiot'

MSNBC host ridicules Sarah Palin for speech gaffe

WaPo's Stevens-Arroyo Calls for Catholics to 'Embrace a Redistribution of Wealth'

Lefty blogger says Catholic ideas of 'common good' demand that drilling moratorium remain in place.

Garofalo: Bible a 'Work of Fiction' for 'Child-Like Audience'

Huffington Post contributor compares Bible to O'Reilly autobiography, children's book.

Early Show Panelists on Marriage: 'Who Wants to Sign Up for That?'

Erica Hill's report highlights cohabitation, ignores benefits of marriage.

On Networks, 'Controversial' Law Means Conservative Law

ABC, CBS, NBC label conservative laws controversial 30 times more than liberal laws; Arizona immigration policy most-criticized in five years

Newsweek Blogger Claims Coverage of Tea Parties Not Harsh Enough

Adler misconstrues AP report in attack on grassroots conservatives

Behar: Prayer 'Takes the Place of Thinking'

'The View' co-host says prayer replaces logic, calls it 'dangerous'

Media Ignore Arizona Critic's Previous Violent Video

Chuck D calls immigration law 'racist,' Gov. Brewer 'a Hitler,' but his previous song about state showed images of assassination.

HuffPo Blogger: 'Eradicate' Fundamental Christianity

Schaeffer says the Bible is 'nuts,' no one follows it.

Media Praises '8: The Mormon Proposition,' But Admit Film is One-Sided

'Numbingly partisan' film gains plaudits from liberal reviewers.

'Today' Shows Cop Punching Girl 14 Times, Leaves Out Almost 2 Minutes of Friend Resisting Arrest

NBC spins arrest into racial incidient, calls Al Sharpton a 'civil rights activist.'

Tea Partiers Boycott MSNBC Advertisers Over 'Slanderous' Documentary

'The New Right' portrays conservatives as racists, terrorists, and conspiracy theorists,

Perez Hilton Loses ABC Ads after Posting Miley Cyrus Upskirt Photo

Apple, TV Land and anti-child porn crusader Microsoft Continue to advertise on gossip site.

HuffPo Blogger to Opponents of New Abortion Pill: 'Back Off'

Dr. Christiane Northrup advocates use of new pill EllaOne in the U.S. despite lack of research.

Comedy Central Special: Catholicism 'Crazy Junk,' 'Ridiculous'

Network, afraid to even mention Muhammad, airs another program bashing Catholics beliefs.

Time Pushes Gay Agenda in 'Gay Days' Coverage

Magazine promotes Disney's unofficial gay celebration as family-friendly despite alcohol, drugs and 'adult' entertainment.