Culture Articles

HuffPo Gives Catholic-Insulting Lady Gaga Music Video a 'Thumbs Up'

Blogger Michele Somerville praises the Catholic bashing music video; compares Lady Gaga to Michelangelo and Madonna.

WaPo Promotes Ted Olson's Anti-Prop 8 Efforts, Continues Gay Marriage Advocacy

As he 'crusades' for same-sex marriage, Olson is the kind of conservative the Post is happy to profile.

USA TODAY Hypes Topless and 'Adult' Vegas pool parties.

Paper offers a guide to Sin City's raunchy 'daylife.'

NY Times Hired Former Pro-Muslim Lobbyist to Report on Ground Zero Mosque, Underwear Bomber

Associated Press, ABC News also employed former CAIR workers as journalists

Media Praise Catholic-Bashing Lady Gaga Video

'Alejandro' features homoerotic, S&M, religious imagery in what some call 'blasphemy.'

Timothy Egan Calls Tea Party a 'Constitutional Wrecking Crew'

That's before the former reporter lights into the Republican Party and then the majority of Americans who support the new Arizona immigration law: "Poll-testing the Bill of Rights in a troubled ...

Eminem Wants to Change, But Still 'Not Afraid' to Swear

Rapper talks of taking fatherhood seriously while using his usual explicit language.

Network news programs still bashing Israel over flotilla incident

Media give more time top pro-Palestinian arguments, ignore 'activist' ties to terrorist organizations. Equates Helen Thomas to Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity

'Broadsheet' columnist Anna Clark blames White House press room fixture's downfall on ageism and sexism.

Media Promote Gay-Funded Study of Lesbian Parents

Time, U.S. News, others fail to mention report authored by lesbian, funded by advocacy groups

WaPo Cheers Obama's Move to Provide Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees

O'Keefe touts 'important day' for gay federal workers.

USA Today Cheers on Wild 'Cougar' Cruise

Newspaper promotes wild behavior between 'cougars' and 'cubs' aboard cruise ship.

Commentary: Bible Belt Texas Should be More Like Godless Denmark, Post Religion Blog Says

Writer drags God into otherwise standard liberal America bashing.

Teen Acceptance of Single Parenthood on the Rise

Approval of out-of-wedlock motherhood could spell disaster for future families.

Education Reporter Laments 'Hodgepodge' from Lack of Federal Guidance of Education

The paper's education reporter Sam Dillon again worries about the "hodgepodge" that results when states, as opposed to the federal government, control what's taught in schools: "The United States ...

Time Praises 'Kinder and Gentler' Christianity

Young Evangelicals 'not like their parents' earn magazine's respect for bucking 'Religious Right'

Bill Clinton Inspired Monogamy-Bashing Book

Expecting fidelity from your spouse is a 'problem,' authors say

Networks Ignore Israel's Valid Reasons to Blockade Palestinian Terror Groups

Media also skip history of terror attacks on U.S., call knife-wielding activists 'foreign aid workers.'

Sarah Silverman: 'The Entire Fox News Channel is a 24-Hour a Day Racism Engine'

Comedian and author attacks conservative movement, suggesting opposition to Obama is 'all coded, all implied' racism.

Comedy Central Protects Islam, Slams Christianity

Network attacks Christ and other figures but refuses to pick on Muhammad.

Left-wing Blogger Argues Rampant Promiscuity Among College Students, Dismisses Role of God in Abstinence

Article on Huffington Post Religion blog argues college students lack the ability to love, but have plenty of sex.

Washington Post Downplays Polyamorous Gay Triad in Murder Cover-up Trial

The Washington Post has omitted crucial details in 60 percent of D.C. murder case coverage.

Media Defend Islam from 'Sex and the City' Jibes

Numerous outlets slam sequel not for sleaze, but 'anti-Muslim' scenes.

'Today' gives 'Sex and City 2' Star Platform to Push for Same-Sex Marriage

Actress Cynthia Nixon appears on 'Today Show' to discuss new film, but ends up talking about same-sex marriage in New York

Post 'Conservative' Blogger Attacks Palin for 'Immature' Facebook Post

Weigel's 'Right Now' piece latest example of his attacks on conservatives.

WaPo Praises D.C. Super-Size Condom Program

Newspaper promotes expensive expansion of 'free' distribution effort

CNN Blog: Christian Athletes 'Pious,' Attention-Seekers

Contributer John Blake criticizes athletes who praise God during sporting events