Culture Articles

New Book Explains, Defends Palin's Faith

Authors hope to broaden understanding of charismatic evangelical faith amid media scorn.

Peacock Plugs Polygamy

Softball Today interview lets polygamists gripe about acceptance.

Newsweek Dubs O'Donnell a Moral Absolutist

Magazine worries candidate's moral code is extremist, repellant to moderates

FNC's Gutfeld Mocks 'Daily Show' Rally: 'This is What Passes for Rebellion in Media'

'Red Eye' host says Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' not speaking truth to power, but poking fun at people who speak truth to power.

CBS, NBC Commiserate with Pop Star Over Ban on Gays in Military

Evening news programs favor opponents of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' present Lady Gaga as expert.

When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'

Character assassination against Delaware Senate candidate latest in long line of 'insane' accusations.

An Inconvenient Followup - NYT Loved Director's Al Gore Apocalypse Movie, But Finds 'Waiting for Superman' Exaggerated

The Times loved director Davis Guggenheim's Al Gore jeremiad "An Inconvenient Truth," with the Times' chief movie critic calling it "a necessary movie." But Trip Gabriel found early detractors for ...

Imam's Group Trained NY Times Reporter Who Wrote Glowing Ground Zero Mosque Article

Reporter also formerly worked as lobbyist for CAIR.

Obama Omits 'Creator' From Declaration of Independence Quotation

Media ignore misquote of founding document, jumped on Bush for misquoting Jefferson.

High School Textbooks Whitewash Islam, Criticize Christianity in Texas

Resolution claims books 'sanitize' definition of jihad, ignore history of Muslim violence.

ABC Promote Kimmel Masturbation Jokes as 'News'

Network's obsession with candidates' views on sex takes precedent over substance, maturity.

Networks Ignore Fired Koran Burner, Defended Teacher Who Compared Bush, Hitler

Equating Bush to Hitler characterized as 'free speech,' but broadcast shows make no mention of Koran burner.

Woody Allen: Religions Are 'Delusions to Keep Us Going'

Director equates organized religion to fortune cookies.

Maher: 'I'm Against a Church Anywhere'

Comedian says churches, synagogues, temples shouldn't be built to 'retell nonsense stories,' worship 'imaginary friend.'

Newsweek's Alter Distorts Gingrich's Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

Columnist suggests former House Speaker wants all mosques to close until Saudi Arabia allows churches and synagogues.

Video Game Option to Play as Taliban Sparks Military Ban

'Medal of Honor' won't be sold on bases, leaders raise sensitivity concerns over multiplayer mode.

Prostitution Ads Still a Problem on Craigslist Despite Recent Crackdowns

Website reluctantly removes sex ads, allows suspected brothels to advertise as 'massage parlors.'

Santorum's Google Trouble a Warning to Conservatives in Internet Age

Liberal bile and abuse of Google combined to harm Rick Santorum's political prospects.

Surprise! WaPo Hearts 'Irrepressible' Meghan McCain's Memoir

A chip off the ol' block - McCain book gives newspaper a club to beat conservatives.

The Heavy-Handed Message of 'Machete'

Illegal immigrants depicted as the victims of laws that 'don't offer justice.'

Vanity Fair Palin Antagonist: 'I Have a Lot in Common With This Woman'

Gross claims he wanted to defend Palin, but hit piece was 'forced on me by the facts.'

Arab TV Director: Alleged 'Muslim Anger' Over Ground Zero Mosque Protests is a 'Fabrication'

Media claims that controversy is fomenting 'Muslim extremism' are not based in fact.

Vanity Fair Attacks Palin as Volatile, Angry, Fake

Unsourced hit piece attempts to depict 'sad and moldering strangeness' of Palin's life.

Erbe: Alevda King's Pro-Life Stance 'Twists' MLK Record

U.S. News columnist calls comparison of abortion to racism 'off course.'

YouTube Jihad: American Terror Imam Reaching Muslim Youth Online

Sermons calling for jihad can be found on social networking sites.

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

Notoriously minority-deficient media criticize Tea Parties, other conservative gatherings for lack of diversity.

John Cusack wants 'Satanic Death Cult Center at Fox News HQ'

Tweeting left-wing actor whines about 'haters' while calling Glenn Beck 'racist' and 'fascist.'

John Mayer Flips Out on Huffington Post, Says Website is 'Full of S***'

Wonders whether liberal news site pays reporters in 'Silly Bandz.'

WaPo Frets 'Hostility' Could Radicalize Young Muslims

One-sided article worries how college students react to over-blown backlash.

Bloomberg: '100 Percent' of 9/11 Families Support Ground Zero Mosque

NYC mayor claims opposition based on polarizing politics, most people don't really care.