Culture Articles

Joy Behar: Obama Picking Rick Warren Like 'Cheney in Charge of Gun Control'

View co-hosts analyze president-elect's choice of pastor for inaugural invocation.

New Tube vs. Old Tube

One study reveals teens watch less TV than older generations but another study finds access to racy material is just a click away.

Taking the Federal Government to Kindergarten

Education reporter Sam Dillon only talks to liberals who argue that massive pre-school spending by the federal government would be a wise investment: "...experts are debating how best to improve ...

ABC Mocks Missing Messiah

'Good Morning America' laughs off prevention as 'Baby Jesus LoJack,' even joins in fun by swiping a wise man.

2008 Worst Grinches

CMIs Dan Gainor and Colleen Raezler rate the attacks and defenses of Christmas on CMIs annual Grinch-o-Meter.

Macabre Soda Ad Finds Suicide Funny

Pepsi yanks a disturbing print campaign depicting lonely calorie character taking his life.

Grinch-o-Meter Alert: Playboy Mexico Mocks Virgin Mary

Magazine publisher claims it never meant offense.

Farewell to Liberalism's Legal Advocate

ABC's Boston Legal was little more than liberal propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment. Conservatives shouldn't be heartbroken to see it go.

Newsweek Gets LGBT Applause for Prop 8 Propaganda

Author talks to gay group about Religious Right reaction to her article presenting the religious case for gay marriage.

CBS Serves Up Soft-Core Porn for Breakfast

The Early Show hosts laugh off celebrity nudity to promote their interviews.

Episode 2: The Christians Strike Back

God makes a comeback - and the media listens.

AP Reports Day Without A Gay Only One Way

In 'call in gay' story, AP ignores traditional marriage supporters; features event creators and lefty teachers eager to introduce gay issues to students.

Meryl Streep Argues Stern Nun Role Similar to War on Terror Absolutists

Streep's co-star Phillip Seymour Hoffman argues their new film is about changing the connotation of doubt and certainty.

Newsweek's Miller Plays Armchair Theologian to Defend Same-Sex Marriage

Miller illuminates her own prejudice against religious folk in her interpretation of Scripture.

TIME's Jeff Israely Calls the Pope a 'Scrooge'

Aren't the leaders of religions supposed to defend church doctrine?

Barbara Walters Betrays 'Fascinating' Bias

During her Ten Most Fascinating People special, ABC's news doyenne tolerates a pregnant pseudo-man, an outspoken cultist, a scandal-beset adolescent actress and a liberal president-elect, but ...

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT!

Politically correct holiday nonsense is picking up steam, especially in schools.

The New Hollywood Blacklist

Only someone utterly ignorant would make a video where Jesus sounds like a lawyer for the ACLU.

ABC Promotes Abortion Two Ways on the Same Night

Viewers receive a dose of pro-abortion propaganda from ABC's news and entertainment divisions.

Hollywood's Thanksgiving Family Values Bronx Cheer

Making light of divorce doesn't sit well during a holiday celebrating the family.

Is Under God Outdated?

A Washington Post/Newsweek writer calls for removing God from the Pledge of Allegiance, amid a little-reported eruption of pre-Christmas attacks on faith.

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT!

WaPo fetes an artist whose Bush-bashing ornament is hanging on the White House Christmas tree

eHarmony Caves In to Intimidation Litigation

Will more bullies be encouraged to sue businesses that operate according to religious values?

Britney's Booty Shakes Up ABC's Morning News

Good Morning America dedicates 45 salacious minutes to the Pop Princess's comeback.

The View: Still Pounding on Palin

ABC's morning news chatters still won't acknowledge that the media deliberately tarnished the image of the GOP vice presidential nominee.

NBC Bemoans Divorce Taking a Hit in Bad Economy

The Today show fails to suggest that couples forced to stay together for economic reasons should try to reconcile.

CBS Tastelessly Mixes Wal-Mart Tragedy with Shopping Story

Folding the trampled security guard into a story about giddy bargain hunters is disrespectful and crass.

Colbert Shreds Sunday School

Christmas is coming. Time to besmirch the holiday.

World Editor and King's College Provost Marvin Olasky Joins CMI Advisory Board

Veteran journalist, educator and author brings decades of experience to Culture and Media Institute's Board of Advisors.

The Toxic Tube Made Them Do It

Kids spend more time with media than they do anything else, except sleep. Why are we surprised it impacts their behavior?