Culture Articles

Worshiping Obama

The cult of personality is verging on idolatry.

Family Guy: McCain/Palin = Nazi

New episode perfectly reflects Hollywood's anti-Republican bias.

Boston Globe Publishes Slain Soldier's Blog

Entry expresses his pride in America and his reasons for serving.

ABC: Firearm Friendly Sarah Palin Locks and Loads Voters in Wyoming

Good Morning America reporter uses liberal group's statistics to wave the pro-gun control flag.

Schieffer Ignored Key Social Issues, Protected Obama

CBS debate moderator fails to question candidates on marriage, military and gun rights.

Big News: Obama Wins the Crayon Set

Children vote and Obama is the winner. What does this mean for the general election? How are they forming their opinions?

Womanizer: 20/20 Sleazes Things Up in the Name of 'News'

Since when do major network evening news shows ask celeb adulterers how often they had sex?

CNN Gives One-sided Boost to Hate Crimes Legislation

Are homosexual activists really fighting for all Americans? What about the damaging repercussions of such laws?

Fox's Lying, Slacker Jesus

The people at Fox Entertainment clearly don't care one iota about offending the millions of Christians who see Jesus as the central figure in their hopes for eternal salvation. To them, God is ...

Media Ignore Pro-Family Victory in McDonald's Boycott

The fast-food giant has withdrawn from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

The Bad, the Good and the Ugly

Three breaking stories expose the developing cult of personality in America, and the harm being inflicted on our culture by the media.

Newsweek's Religion Reporter Again Features Former Bush-Supporting Pastor Now Backing Obama

Lisa Miller apparently is trying to defuse criticism of Obama over Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Character Counted in Second McCain-Obama Debate

While every question addressed policy issues, nearly a third also revealed the character of the candidates.

How 25 Years of Gay Activism in Hollywood Has Paid Off

This season, a record number of broadcast television series are featuring sympathetic homosexual characters.

Lavender Propaganda

CMI research assistant Colleen Raezler exposes the efforts of Hollywood and the news media to promote acceptance of homosexuality in America.

ABC Addresses Debt and Personal Responsibility Head On

Economic woes trigger two segments with some refreshing straight talk about pursuing the American dream.

Still Screwing Up America

Abortion zealot Linda Hirshman has vindicated Bernie Goldberg's choice to include her in his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.

Weekend Box Office: Americans Vote, Maher Loses

Anti-God mockumentary beaten out by movies about faith, love, patriotism … and Chihuahuas.

Mighty Maher Strikes Out

It is amazing that Maher thinks religion is the supreme hustle, not his lying movie.

'Fair' Warning to Palin

Media sharpen the knives for that one error in the vice presidential debate.

Networks Bend Knee to Religulous, Ignore Fireproof

ABC, NBC and CBS feature Bill Maher's mock documentary while skipping a faith-affirming hit movie.

Maher's Misconceived Call to Arms

Early reviews of Religulous indicate the movie doesn't inspire atheists, it mocks believers.

In Memoriam: Paul Newman's Philanthropic Legacy

Not your typical Hollywood liberal, Newman devoted the last decades of his life to doing good for others.

ABC's 2-Day 'Coming Out' Party for Clay Aiken

'Exclusive' interview is a giant puff piece for new self-proclaimed 'gay' father.

AMC Chains Up Hounddog

Theaters refuse to show movie with rape of 9-year-old character, while critics gush over girl's performance.

Obama Tries to Flush Rush

Obama's bizarre version of Willie Horton is Rush Limbaugh?

Newsweek on Palin: A 'Pet Pony' and 'Rapture-Ready Extremist'

Once again Newsweek gives multiple pages to an atheist's rant.

Reagan's Rebuke of Carter Missing in Debate Commission's Transcript

Is it an editing error or a dose of political correctness?

SF Chronicle Glosses Over Reality in Listing for Folsom Street Fair

City's newspaper uses euphemism to sanitize a sadomasochistic, pornographic event.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners a 'Hot Topic' on The View

Walters, Goldberg and Behar peck away at Hasselbeck's defense of McCain ad