Culture Articles

ABC Wakes Up, Reports Gardasil Dangers

Network finally covers the negative side of the cervical cancer vaccine story.

Maher Calls Christianity the Ultimate Hustle on Larry King Live

Religion-despising comedian promotes his new comedy film, calls Rick Warren pope of the super-Christies

TIME Writer Objects to Recognizing Life at Conception

Nancy Gibbs suggests McCain's stance could lead to more abortions.

ABC Reporter Implies John McCain Has No Character

Or less character than rival Barack Obama, at least.

Red State: Rick Warren Sells Out to Libs on CNN

Evangelical pastor's Compassionate Leader forum for Obama, McCain is cohosted by representatives of far-left religion.

TV's Contempt for Marriage

The problem for Hollywood is that marital sex just isn't naughty enough for envelope pushers.

Pineapple Express: Marijuana Cautionary Tale?

Judd Apatow says his latest movie is anti-drug. Critics: 'What are you smoking?'

Local ABC Stations Report Gardasil Story Better than

Concerns over serious side effects prompts CDC to review the vaccine's safety.

Will Edwards Scandal Teach Media that Lying about Adultery Is Wrong?

CMI senior editor Brian Fitzpatrick and intern Julia Seward examine the news medias complacency toward adultery and lying, as revealed by their refusal to cover the John Edwards sex scandal.

Dark Knight: the Pornography of Violence

The latest Batman movie showcases violence, betrayal and sadism in the name of frivolous entertainment.

Edwards Affair Rules the News Cycle for Three Days

After weeks of ignoring the story, networks can't stop talking about it.

ABC Disparages Pro-Life Pharmacist's Choice to Have Large Family

World News correspondent Gigi Stone slants her story against pharmacies that refuse to fill certain prescriptions on moral grounds.

ABC Article Glamorizes Media Villains, Ignores Price to Society

ABC's Sona Charaipotra hails villains in entertainment as more exciting, interesting, and more real, but ignores the damage Hollywood's obsession with evil can do to children.

NBC Drops the Ball on Teen Sex

The followup special for The Baby Borrowers fails to tackle tough subjects in discussions of teen sexuality and pregnancy.

Post Writer Says 'Gay Plague' Is Fault of 'Homophobia'

Is lung cancer the fault of tobaccophobes?

New York Times Bemoans Killer's Execution

In its zeal to oppose capital punishment, the Gray Lady suggests Texas should bow to 'international law.'

NYT Explores Strategies for Obama to Win Catholic Votes

The Times downplays the candidate's radical pro-abortion record.

Solzhenitsyn: A Prophet Honored in His Own Country, but Not in the U.S. Media

The great writer's commencement address at Harvard in 1978 was a powerful indictment of elitist liberalism.

ABC Tells Story of Faith in Tragedy

Good Morning America explores how religious belief is helping the Steven Curtis Chapman family cope with the death of their daughter.

Forget Marriage: Adultery and Promiscuity Rule the Airwaves

New study shows broadcast television promotes sex in every relationship except marriage.

WSJ Shines Light on Richmond's Success at Battling Gun-Related Crime

The treatment is in stark contrast to typical media calls for more gun control.

Let's Talk About Sex

Newsweek provides great tips for parents on how to talk to young teens about sex but needs to emphasize parental monitoring of teens' entertainment choices.

Teen Choice Awards a Mixed Bag of Morality

Skanky Gossip Girl rakes in six awards, but squeaky clean Jonas Brothers get the nod too.

Washington Post Uses Unitarian Shooting to Demonize Conservative Christians, Talk Radio

Given the Post's one-sided account, could the paper be contributing to a climate of hate against conservative talkers and orthodox religious believers?

Washington Post Spins CDC AIDS Blunder

Media solution for increased HIV infection rates: throw more money at the problem.

Media Silent on Pelosi Intent to Kill DOMA

If Obama becomes President, the Speaker of the House will support his efforts to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, opening the door to same-sex marriage throughout the nation.

ABC's Whoopi Goldberg Declares Married Men 'Fair Game'

If a husband says it's ok to come on to him, The View's cohost has no problem with having a little fling.

Hushing Rush after 20 Years

Liberals in Congress view talk radio as a profound threat to their power. They intend to do whatever they can to reduce the impact of conservative talkers, First Amendment be damned.

Jerry Springer, Opera Man?

WaPo 'News' Article Slams Measure Protecting Conscience of Health Care Workers

The Bush proposal would uphold the right of pharmacists, for example, to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraceptives that kill babies.